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standalone bs2 — Parallax Forums

standalone bs2

paintballerpaintballer Posts: 6
edited 2008-12-19 14:34 in BASIC Stamp
I have made a enclousre to control a servo, a few relays, and a 7pin led. However on a Basic stamp board all my codeing works fine, however when i use a bs2 chip(not parallax board) my servo freaks out. Any advise?


  • Twisted PairTwisted Pair Posts: 177
    edited 2008-12-19 01:39

    Your code & hardware works on the factory Basic Stamp board but not on the non-Parallax board. What are you using for the second Board ? I assume that the stand alone micro was pre-programmed before it was inserted on to your second board. Without knowing more, it sounds like you have an improper or a bad connection somewhere on the second board. Double check all of your connection points....

    Twisted Pair....
  • paintballerpaintballer Posts: 6
    edited 2008-12-19 02:14
    a stand alone bs2 stamp is connected to the computer and its programed, the stamp works fine however when i connect the servo, the servo just twitches back and forth insted of doing the command. (the servo only acts up if that I/O pin is going active to communicate.·· ( the housing is a home made and it communicates with·the computer fine im using a 9pin serial port to com with the computer and a 25pin port that acts as com/all I/O pins after its installed in the devise its intended for)···again the chip works on its own, but after i hook the servo up it gives me problems. is there any extra ic's or rezistors or any componets that a homework board would have that a bs2 chip wouldnt have?
  • paintballerpaintballer Posts: 6
    edited 2008-12-19 02:36
    its a stock BS2 chip that you would insert into a parallax bord that has the 24pin IC socket, all i have done is soldered a 24pin removeable IC socket.
  • Twisted PairTwisted Pair Posts: 177
    edited 2008-12-19 02:54
    Got a diagram of how you have it connected ? A common mistake on stand alone micro's is the ground wire. It must be connected to the ground for the entire circuit & hardware, also how are you powering the servo ? Through the micro or by a seperate power supply ?

  • paintballerpaintballer Posts: 6
    edited 2008-12-19 03:33
    umm....i diagram? haha no. I should to make things eaiser but for right now after the chip is hooked up as following - (pin24,pwr=positive) (pin23,gnd=negative) (pin0,I/O=servo) and the red and black from the servo is connected to the same 9v battery as the chip
    i might have the wrong pin connected to the (-) of the battery.....might have crossed on of the wires on my 25-pin conector......retesting
  • Twisted PairTwisted Pair Posts: 177
    edited 2008-12-19 03:38
    Could also be a low battery. How were you powering the set up on the first board that you were using ? Try a new battery....

  • paintballerpaintballer Posts: 6
    edited 2008-12-19 03:47
    wow i retested my connection and somehow the (-) backtracked through I/O pin7 and the chip powered on somehow......owever i just checked and found the right GNDpin...and now it works fine.........haha i feal really stupid·· for the power supply im using a consted 5.7v cellphone charger so that i have constent power.
    1024 x 768 - 96K
  • Twisted PairTwisted Pair Posts: 177
    edited 2008-12-19 04:08
    Cool....I'm glad that you got it working. Before starting a project, I always draw a diagram first and after double checking that everything is correct on paper, I then will build and assemble the project acording to my drawing. This save's the hair pulling and having to go back and fix something. Good luck to you and your future projects.

  • paintballerpaintballer Posts: 6
    edited 2008-12-19 14:34
    i had a diagram, however someone spilled juice or w/e on it. All my wrighting ran and basicly i have a red,black, and white colored blotch insted of the diagram i once had. so insted of redrawing it i just pushed foward without it and its caused nothing but problems as you can see
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