Xmas gift for new users: Propeller Software Index [updated 12-20-08]

I'm working on a little Propeller Christmas gift for new users.
There are a bunch of great games and other programs buried in this forum.
They are rewarding if you find them, but when you do, some of them can be a
bit fiddly to play with on the Protoboard / Demoboard configuration.
Attached is the start of a software index which contains links and instructions
for getting many of the games written for the Propeller up and running
with a Protoboard/Demoboard configuration.
The sources for the Hydra have been released to the public and can be downloaded.
This includes sound/video objects as well as games.
I've listed the Hydra NES configuration as standard so you'll have to come
part way a little, but it's worth it. (see uController.com for a NES interface.)
Let me know what you guys think.
New to the Propeller?
Check out: Protoboard Introduction , Propeller Cookbook 1.4 & Software Index
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to: Propeller.warrantyvoid.us
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
Post Edited (Oldbitcollector) : 3/19/2009 4:28:16 PM GMT
There are a bunch of great games and other programs buried in this forum.
They are rewarding if you find them, but when you do, some of them can be a
bit fiddly to play with on the Protoboard / Demoboard configuration.
Attached is the start of a software index which contains links and instructions
for getting many of the games written for the Propeller up and running
with a Protoboard/Demoboard configuration.
The sources for the Hydra have been released to the public and can be downloaded.
This includes sound/video objects as well as games.
I've listed the Hydra NES configuration as standard so you'll have to come
part way a little, but it's worth it. (see uController.com for a NES interface.)
Let me know what you guys think.
New to the Propeller?
Check out: Protoboard Introduction , Propeller Cookbook 1.4 & Software Index
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to: Propeller.warrantyvoid.us
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
Post Edited (Oldbitcollector) : 3/19/2009 4:28:16 PM GMT
I'd like to note that even some of us that have been around awhile may have missed / forgotten about some of these little gems, Thanks OBC!
uController.com - home of SpinStudio - the modular Development system for the Propeller
PropNIC - Add ethernet ability to your Propeller! PropJoy - Plug in a joystick and play some games!
SD card Adapter - mass storage for the masses Audio/Video adapter add composite video and sound to your Proto Board
As soon as I get through the posted games, I'll be moving onto the changes for Hydra book games,
then adding other interesting software releases as well.
Please don't take any of my adjustment comments as critical!! That are not intended that way!
If you want to post an update based on listed changes to make things easier, or update the screenshot,
let me know. The idea is to expose new users to your works.
New to the Propeller?
Getting started with a Propeller Protoboard?
Check out: Introduction to the Proboard & Propeller Cookbook 1.4
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to: Propeller.warrantyvoid.us
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
Post Edited (Oldbitcollector) : 12/15/2008 5:50:18 PM GMT
so If I missed your favorite it will show up sooner or later. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
This has truly been a good review for me, as there are tons of wonderful games for our little chip.
New to the Propeller?
Getting started with a Propeller Protoboard?
Check out: Introduction to the Proboard & Propeller Cookbook 1.4
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to: Propeller.warrantyvoid.us
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
New to the Propeller?
Getting started with a Propeller Protoboard?
Check out: Introduction to the Proboard & Propeller Cookbook 1.4
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to: Propeller.warrantyvoid.us
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
As with most of these indexes, unless they are easy to find, we don't know about them.
We used to marvel at Maxwell Smart·having a phone in his shoe. Now we just say what a stupid place to put a phone!
Wish I could get a few more people to post their Propeller helps/info in their sigs.. (Hint, Hint Ray... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
New to the Propeller?
Getting started with a Propeller Protoboard?
Check out: Introduction to the Proboard , Propeller Cookbook 1.4 & Propeller Software Index
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to: Propeller.warrantyvoid.us
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
Now, I've seen your tests. However, I couldn't figure out what format to use for the web link (tried the html format and the format. So instead of wasting a lot of time, what is the format please
We used to marvel at Maxwell Smart·having a phone in his shoe. Now we just say what a stupid place to put a phone!
Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
[noparse]/noparse]url=http://[url=http://www.bluemagic.biz/]www.bluemagic.biz[/urlMy website about our catamaran adventures.
Play with it and the TEST forum, you'll get the hang of it after a few tries.. I did.. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
New to the Propeller?
Check out: Protoboard Introduction , Propeller Cookbook 1.4 & Software Index
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to: Propeller.warrantyvoid.us
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
I just tried your text in my sig and it worked.... how strange
I just cut from your post above and pasted it into my sig but removed the spaces either side of 'cruising'
PropGFX - The home of the Hybrid Development System and PropGFX Lite
Nice work BTW
PropGFX - The home of the Hybrid Development System and PropGFX Lite
Crikey I didn't realise there were so many......
PropGFX - The home of the Hybrid Development System and PropGFX Lite
I'll start adding some of the other software toys next...
New to the Propeller?
Check out: Protoboard Introduction , Propeller Cookbook 1.4 & Software Index
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to: Propeller.warrantyvoid.us
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS