The penguin magazine (Penguin Tech) is not really a Parallax sponsored print. It's made by Humanoido. So, I'm certain it takes lots of work to get an issue out, and dedication is paramount. If you have the enthusiasm, you should give it a try to make one for the BOE-BOT. I'm sure that if you get some article written up, then humanoido could probably lend you the format file so that both magazines look similar.
Lots of time and effort, and ingenuity to come up with interesting articles that people will read. The BOE-BOT would probably be a bit easier to get articles out there considering how much information there is available.
You could have a section with new ideas and one with bits of programming to make your boe do cool things. And instead of making a actual printed mag you could send a pm to users intrested in it with a pdf of the mag attached.
Well with all the Boe-Bot questions and problems that I have seen out here and People asking me for some sort of help I guess I need to buy or at least make a Boe-Bot platform look alike my self, so I can better answer and preform test routines on it before sending the untested programs to them. Plus learn how the little bot really works in the real world instead of running the code through my head to simulate the actions.
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
boe-crazy said...
great idea, you are a very knowledgeble guy i've found.
Thanks for the kind words but there are many other people in here that are very good programmers as well. I just like to build my own bots and make mods to other bot to improve them for my liking.
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
So is anyone working on a Boebot magazine now?
I agree, there's a lot of information available about
this robot which should be great inspiration for an
unlimited number of new fascinating articles.
I'm working on a BS2 wiki... which mainly focuses on the BOE and BOE-bot... but I've barely had an hour in the past two weeks to add any information so its not ready for viewing yet.
I think that'd end up being better than a magazine.
While serving·on a·Home-owners' Assoc.·Board of Directors I found that the best thing to do with suggestions was to make the person broaching the suggestion·the chairman of the committee for that suggestion.
MovieMaker said...
A Pengiun Magazine, How about a Boebot Magazine???
Or , do they already have one?
Well, there's SERVO magazine thats all about robots, and of course the Stamp Applications column written by Jon Williams that's in every issue of Nuts and Volts magazine that focuses on Parallax products including the BOE bot on occasion (I understand Nuts and Volts also has a pretty good Personal Robotics column!)
My $0.02: I think it would be pretty tough to make a magazine just for one specific robot. Its hard enough to fill the two hobby robot magazines that are out there already!
Vern Graner
Personal Robotics Column
Nuts and Volts Magazine
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
Thanks for the kind words but there are many other people in here that are very good programmers as well. I just like to build my own bots and make mods to other bot to improve them for my liking.
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
I agree, there's a lot of information available about
this robot which should be great inspiration for an
unlimited number of new fascinating articles.
I think that'd end up being better than a magazine.
While serving·on a·Home-owners' Assoc.·Board of Directors I found that the best thing to do with suggestions was to make the person broaching the suggestion·the chairman of the committee for that suggestion.
It ain't over 'til it's over...
-Yogi Berra
Well, there's SERVO magazine thats all about robots, and of course the Stamp Applications column written by Jon Williams that's in every issue of Nuts and Volts magazine that focuses on Parallax products including the BOE bot on occasion (I understand Nuts and Volts also has a pretty good Personal Robotics column!)
My $0.02: I think it would be pretty tough to make a magazine just for one specific robot. Its hard enough to fill the two hobby robot magazines that are out there already!
Vern Graner
Personal Robotics Column
Nuts and Volts Magazine
There already is a magazine (online) for a specific robot: Penguin Tech. It's really good! All that it takes is a little ingenuity and lots of time.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney