help needed ..and very much appreciated
to be honest im rather embarassed to be asking such an amateurish question in a forum choc full of experts.
im rather an amateur in parallax systems and i would like to ask whether it is possible that i could control servo motors in the·BOE using BS2 ·by using normal switches [noparse][[/noparse]preferably dpdt or tact switches] i would like the servo motor to start rotating once i turn on the there any program coding in the BS2 for this kind of operation ? A reply from a kind soul would be very much appreciated.
im rather an amateur in parallax systems and i would like to ask whether it is possible that i could control servo motors in the·BOE using BS2 ·by using normal switches [noparse][[/noparse]preferably dpdt or tact switches] i would like the servo motor to start rotating once i turn on the there any program coding in the BS2 for this kind of operation ? A reply from a kind soul would be very much appreciated.
1) Control one or more servos
2) Sense one or more switches and act on their settings
The BS2 can do both and more. Download and read through the "What's a Microcontroller?" tutorial and the "Robotics with the BoeBot" tutorial. The first teaches you about programming the Stamps and interfacing them to a variety of sensors, like switches. The second teaches you about servos, how to control them, and about changing the robot's behavior based on tactile switches and on infrared sensor outputs. The tutorials have sample programs and worked examples as well as circuit diagrams.
The tutorials can be downloaded here along with many others:
· -- Carl,