Problem with BS2sx Baudrate
I've got·a localizer from Hagisonic (Stargazer)·and am currently working with a BS2sx on a Boe-bot..
Encountered some problems·upon·interfacing the·localizer·and microcontroller..
The localizer supports UART communication where..

The Basic Stamp Ref. and Syntax Manual states that BS2sx can support serial input from RS232·up to a baudrate of 115.2k.
However, I·always received some·random unrecognizable characters on the debug panel·using the command below,
SERIN 1, 1, [noparse]/noparse]STR [/size][/font][i][font=Helvetica-Condensed-BlackObl size=2][size=2]InputData\10[/i][/size][/font][font=Helvetica-Condensed-Black size=2][size=2
There·should not be a·problem on the localizer·as I am able to read the the desired data using the hyper-terminal at a configured Baudrate of 115200. However, if·the baudrate on the hyper-terminal is changed to 9600, the random unrecognizable characters·appears on the panel too.·Therefore, I suspect that the problem may lie on the·baudrate but I am not too sure either.
If anyone may help me with this issue, I will be very grateful.
Thank You.
I've got·a localizer from Hagisonic (Stargazer)·and am currently working with a BS2sx on a Boe-bot..
Encountered some problems·upon·interfacing the·localizer·and microcontroller..
The localizer supports UART communication where..
The Basic Stamp Ref. and Syntax Manual states that BS2sx can support serial input from RS232·up to a baudrate of 115.2k.
However, I·always received some·random unrecognizable characters on the debug panel·using the command below,
SERIN 1, 1, [noparse]/noparse]STR [/size][/font][i][font=Helvetica-Condensed-BlackObl size=2][size=2]InputData\10[/i][/size][/font][font=Helvetica-Condensed-Black size=2][size=2
There·should not be a·problem on the localizer·as I am able to read the the desired data using the hyper-terminal at a configured Baudrate of 115200. However, if·the baudrate on the hyper-terminal is changed to 9600, the random unrecognizable characters·appears on the panel too.·Therefore, I suspect that the problem may lie on the·baudrate but I am not too sure either.
If anyone may help me with this issue, I will be very grateful.
Thank You.
Your localizer has a 3.3V output. While the Stamp can handle this, it would be more sensitive to noise than if it had a 5V output
You really need to slow this down, perhaps to 19.2K if possible. The Propeller can handle the 115.2K and the SX could handle it.
By the way, how do I slow the baud of my localizer down to 19.2k?
1) There's a jumper or switch internally that changes this.
2) If the device accepts commands, there may be a command to change the Baud. You'd need to use some kind of program (like HyperTerminal) to enter the command, but the device would remember the change.
3) There's no way to change the Baud. You might need to use a different microcontroller like the Propeller which is faster and can easily handle this and higher Bauds.