I spend hours looking for how to use eeproms like (24LC256) with SXB
I have spend hours on this forum on how to connect some eeproms to a SX and how to use it in SXB.· I need a way to store data that does not change much at all, but need to be there if power is restored to the SX.· Any help or pointers would be very helpful.··Right now I have a few 24LC256 on hand and hope it can be used with the SX. ·Thank you for your help.
The code should be basically the same. Just a reduced address range.
Make sure you have the pull-up resistors on the SDA and SCL lines. Or enable the SX pull-ups.
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"The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants." ~ Camus
First let me say thanks for your help!
I am new at building with elec components, but learning fast as I can. When you say put a pull-up on the two lines... Should I use something like a 4.7k? What is this doing, adding power to the lines? I was not going to add them, but thank for letting me know. I am trying to build a way to store IR data and replay them back later time. Somehting like thoses smart remotes they have out there. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I2C devices are only able to ground the SDA and SCL pins or let them float (this is because you can have several devices sharing the same two pins). So you need a pullup (yes a 4.7K to the supply will work fine). The internal pullups on the SX are enabled by adding the word "PULLUP" to the end of the PIN definition. The internal SX pullups are about 20K, but it works fine for me.
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"The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants." ~ Camus