tank tread base for robot.
I am just looking to see if anybody has used this for a robot application. http://www.robotmarketplace.com/products/AB-70108.html
I imagine I would just use the power supply that comes with it, and then how do I hardwire it into my bs2. I have the homework board. As im sure you can tell, I am very new to this and would appreciate the help.
Also, if anyone has any suggestions of another base with treads that is relatively cheap.
I imagine I would just use the power supply that comes with it, and then how do I hardwire it into my bs2. I have the homework board. As im sure you can tell, I am very new to this and would appreciate the help.
Also, if anyone has any suggestions of another base with treads that is relatively cheap.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
It's quite nice and the motors are very small and powerful.
I'm interested in that tank tread base and may end up getting it in a couple months. I'll let you know if I do.
In order to hook it to a BS2 you'll need an H-bridge. Usually these come in dual packages that will let you hook
up two motors at once so it works out good.
It'll take 2-3 (depending on how the h-bridge is configured) stamp pins per motor and the h-bridge will easily fit on
the breadboard on the BOE or homework board.
Try to get an H-bridge that'll take up to 2 amps but I've used one with a 1amp max with no problems... so far.
Note: The motors are designed for 3volts. If you go higher (say the regulated 5volts on the BOE) then they'll be
faster/more powerful... but you'll reduce the life of the motors to around 1/4th of what they are designed for.
I use a 2 AA battery pack as a supply for the motors and it works well... although you can use a voltage divider or
regulator to drop down the 5volt from the BOE/homework board.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Hi Chris,
If the BS2 cannot handle the current required of the motors, how does it do it normally using the PULSOUT commands? That current is still coming from Vdd of the BOE. Just curious.
It includes the dual motor gear box, and has a few other parts :-)
John R.
The original motors use a low voltage (3V) but high current. An H-bridge for those is more expensive than the replacement motors which use a higher voltage (I used 7.2V) but lower current. I used a single L293D ($2-3) H-bridge to drive both motors.
Not sure if you can drive a L293D directly with a stamp - I was using a prop.
I have attached a picture of an early test with a prop board sat on top of the base.
That's not how it works. PULSOUT is used to control servos, not drive them. A servo has three wires; Power, Ground and Signal. The current to operate the servo's motor flows through the Power and Ground wires. The PULSOUT command, which tells the servo what to do, flows through the Signal and Ground wires. The only current that the BS2 supplies is the tiny amount required for the Signal.
Rich H