Using the examples in chapters 7 and 8 in the Robotics with the Boe Bot book, I was wondering if the below IR LED pair from Radioshack would work?

I dont know the difference between a Reciaver module and a photo transistor. Arn't they the same thing?
signal when it receives a specific wavelength.
I'm sure you could use that IR pair, just requires some extra work.
I could be wrong though.
Only the IR transmitter from Radio Shack will work on the Boe Bot.· The reason is, that the IR detector that we sell has filtering built into the device that can detect the 38kHz IR carrier and exploits this in chapter 8 to determine distance.· The IR receiver from Radio Shack does not have any filtering.·
To detect the differences·between an IR transmitter, and an IR receiver, take a look at this recent thread...
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Why only one set?
I'm only using one set cause having both the emitter and the receiver in one eye socket would look a bit odd in my opinion, and I don't think it is necessary since the head can pan back and forth, therefore I feel only one set is required.
More info at my poorly updated website: