IR Record and Playback
william chan
Posts: 1,326
Hi guys,
The 38Khz carrier using CTRA works perfectly.
But now the record and playback in SPIN only works for about 20% of equipments I tested.
For example, it works with Panasonic remotes, but not Philips or LG remotes.
Could it be SPIN is too slow to make accurate sampling at 80Mhz?
The record_ir() code I copied from the IR_Kit in the OBEX.
I wrote the playback_ir code(), but it seems difficult to accurately match the time per loop for record and playback.
Post Edited (william chan) : 12/10/2008 1:31:02 AM GMT
The 38Khz carrier using CTRA works perfectly.
But now the record and playback in SPIN only works for about 20% of equipments I tested.
For example, it works with Panasonic remotes, but not Philips or LG remotes.
Could it be SPIN is too slow to make accurate sampling at 80Mhz?
The record_ir() code I copied from the IR_Kit in the OBEX.
I wrote the playback_ir code(), but it seems difficult to accurately match the time per loop for record and playback.
CON _maxbuff = 500 'number of marks and spaces max _quiet = 10000 'ir completely quiet VAR long buff[noparse][[/noparse]_maxbuff] long samples pub record_ir | iron, iroff dira[noparse][[/noparse]ird1_pin]~ 'make irdetector pin input samples~ repeat while ina[noparse][[/noparse]ird1_pin]==1 'wait any mark repeat iron~ repeat while ina[noparse][[/noparse]ird1_pin]==0 'time mark iron++ if iron > 10000 'this just balances mark/space counts return buff[noparse][[/noparse]samples++]:=iron iroff~ repeat while ina[noparse][[/noparse]ird1_pin]==1 'time space iroff++ if iroff>_quiet 'end of train buff[noparse][[/noparse]samples++]:=iroff 'save last return buff[noparse][[/noparse]samples++]:=iroff if samples => _maxbuff-2 samples -= 2 'don't overfill the buffer PUB playback_ir | i, count i~ repeat if i => samples ' done? quit count := buff[noparse][[/noparse]i++] dira[noparse][[/noparse]irled_pin]~~ ' Make pin output to send IR signal repeat while count>0 ' mark count-- if count > 10000 ' this just balances time per loop count := buff[noparse][[/noparse]i++] dira[noparse][[/noparse]irled_pin]~ ' Make pin input to pause IR signal repeat while count>0 ' space count-- if count > 10000 ' this just balances time per loop
Post Edited (william chan) : 12/10/2008 1:31:02 AM GMT
At the top of the file?
I didn't post the clock and freq code b'cos I don't want too much clutter on the example code.
Note that you'd have two values for each pulse, the off time prior to each pulse and the on time of the pulse.
You'd obviously ignore the first off time since its unrelated to the pulse train. To play it back, you'd set the
DIRA bit to 1 and do a WAITCNT(value[noparse][[/noparse] x ] + cnt) where value[noparse][[/noparse] x ] is the first time value, then toggle the
DIRA bit, increment x, and do another WAITCNT repeating the whole sequence for each recorded time value.
At the end of the pulse train, you'd just set the DIRA bit to 0 turning off the IR pulses.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 12/10/2008 6:00:54 AM GMT
I don't quite understand why your code is totally different from mine.
Would your code's timing be more accurate?
But there is a small problem.
Sometimes when we WAITCNT(buff[noparse][[/noparse] x ] + cnt) during playback, the value of buff[noparse][[/noparse]x] may be too small, causing the cog to wait forever.
If we set a minimum to the value of buff[noparse][[/noparse]x], it will cause the pulse train to become unfaithful.
So how now?
2) You're correct about there being a minimum WAITCNT increment. It's roughly 400. You might set 1000 as a minimum. It's only about 12us, less than a half cycle of the 38KHz carrier. You shouldn't see delays this short.