LEd matrix without resistors
Posts: 276
Is it okay to use an LED matrix without resistors on the Propeller? It makes the LEDs much brighter and doesn't seem to kill them. It does seem to kill propellers though... I was trying it out on one of my boards, and after shorting over the resistors for a couple minutes, and now the propeller reboots after about 5 seconds of drawing current to power the LED matrix on those pins. Did I draw too much current from the pins? Is there a better resistor value to use? I am using 470 ohm resistors, since it was originally designed for a BS2, and 5 volts.
I am 1011, so be surprised!
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I am 1011, so be surprised!
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To determine the correct resistor value, look at the LED's datasheet. In it there will be a graph of forward voltage versus forward current. Select the current value that you want to use — 10mA is usually a good starting point — and find the corresponding forward voltage from the graph. Your choice of resistor is then determined from the following equation:
····R = (3.3 - VF) / IF
where VF and IF are the forward voltage and forward current, respectively.
If you're lighting a large matrix, you must also be sure to limit the total current to within the Propeller's specs.
'Just a few PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 12/10/2008 12:34:22 AM GMT
Anyway, a maybe safer way to extend an array to an (almost) unlimited number of LED is using a serial LED driver like this one:
<$2 from digikey and drives 8 LEDs with just one resistor...· They can be daisy chained ad nauseum...
the propeller can take 100mA on 8 IOs the whole chip 300mA
I recommend for everything that takes more current than 10 mA per IO-Pin use transistors or MOSFETs to switch it on/off
for medium-currents you can use a transistor-array like the ULN2803
ONE standard LED (current 20mA)
at 5V supply (5V - 1,7V) / 0,02 A = 165 ohm
at 3,3V supply (3,3V - 1,7V) / 0,02 A = 80 ohm
there are low-current LEDs with 2mA
then it is
(3,3V - 1,7V) / 0,002 A = 800 ohm !!
in general: resistor = (Supply-Voltage - LED-voltage) / LED-current
you use a LED-ARRAY
if the LEDs are connected parallel the current multiplies with the number of LEDs
if the LEDs are connected serial the voltage multiplies with the number of LEDs
best regards