qti vs encoder kit
What is the difference between the $40 robot encoder kit and 2 $6 qti line sensors? Wouldn't the qtis work for encoding, too, if the wheels were covered in white paper, with eithor the holes cut out or black lines on the disk?
No offense was ment by this question, the encoder kit just doesn't seem·to do more than the qtis. I am short on money,·and would be willing to compromise on lesser sensors if they did the job.
Any help would be appreciated.·
No offense was ment by this question, the encoder kit just doesn't seem·to do more than the qtis. I am short on money,·and would be willing to compromise on lesser sensors if they did the job.
Any help would be appreciated.·
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.·· -a poster I saw