Speedometer - Longboard

So I was planning on doing something like that
Black = magnet
Red = Hall Effect Sensor
Now since Ill be riding it my wheel's will eventually be losing rubber, since my math will be based on when the sensor gives a value of 1 it means it has traveled .000267km (26.7cm) then divide that by the time. Since Ill be losing rubber the distance traveled per revolution will decrease is there a better way to set this up?
Also I'm working on a flow chart and I'm going to say this now before I get yelled at, I suck a flow chart's I just did w.e I thought looked right still new to all this jazz please tell me what's wrong but don't flame OMG YOU SUCK NOOB thanks.
Here it is...

Anyway, one thing you could do is to measure how many revolutions are in the life of a wheel, and the change in diameter over the life of the wheel. Simply find the difference between the start diameter and the end diameter, and divide by the number of revolutions, and you get the change in size for each revolution of the wheel.
Of course, this requires that you ride the wheel through it's life, and wear it out, before you can do any sort of speed measurement. It also assumes that all wheels wear at the same rate, and that this rate is constant. The upside is that you don't need any other sensors or hardware.
I'm thinking that it's probably very difficult and inaccurate to measure the wheel circumference directly. What about this strategy: You set it up to count the max RPM, and then you ride down a hill with a GPS that can tell you the max speed. Then you can just do some math to figure out how big your wheel is to a much more precise value.
Know anything about car speedometers?· They're not dead-on absolute.· The actual speed is less than that indicated.· Don't get bogged down with side-issues like "loosing rubber vs. long-term accuracy".
Start with the counter circuit and use the COUNT command.· Then you can bridge to the next element in your flow chart.· Go step by step by step, one foot in front of the other.
I was looking at one of these LCD Screens cgi.ebay.ca/20x4-LCD-Display-Microcontroller-for-Basic-Stamp_W0QQitemZ250335229833QQcmdZViewItemQQptZBI_Electronic_Components?hash=item250335229833&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1215|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318 so then I need a minimum of
16 pins there
then like 2 pins for two hall effect sensors (Correct me if I'm wrong)
and 1 for a push button (start/end)
= 19 pins
Will I need anymore pins?
So far I need
(1) Basic Stamp ____
(1) LCD Screen
(2) Hall Effect Sensors
(2) Magnets
What else do I need to add on my shopping list?
Why "like two" Hall switches?· [noparse][[/noparse]Seems one should do, but it's your project.]
A GPS won't get you better speed results, it's an average over appreciable distance/s.
(100km/h, 60mph?)
I don't want to talk you into or out of anything.
You're going to suffer more inaccuracy from turns (inner wheels turning more slowly than outer wheels), bounces (wheels losing contact with pavement), and skids than you will from wheel wear; so I wouldn't worry so much about the latter. Just keep it simple, and you'll have a more satisfying outcome.
When I'm going 10 mph, my wheels are rotating at 10 rps. Therefore, I know that 1 RPS is one mph.
By doing it this way, I think you can get a more accurate speed measurement than just by measuring wheel circumference directly.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
It's like a bolt on each end with rubber in between.
I used them in FIRST Robotics for mounting the CPU/Controller