Digital Compass
I need some advice on how I can use a digital compass on the Boe-Bot to track the x and y position of its movement throughout a room. I would like its starting position to be (0,0). I would like it to display the total distance traveled according to its coordinates rather than actual movement. The Boe-Bot is programmed to avoid walls. I would appreciate any guidance or coding!
However, the suggestion of counting turns of the wheels is an excellent one, especially in combination with a compass.· Perhaps you might choose a single wheel whose direction you always know from a compass, and count its turns.· Then you'll know how far it moved, and in which direction.
· -- Carl,
If you could use electrical tape to make a grid on the floor then you could use the QTI line sensor and the compass together to build a coordinate based project. But as has been send above the compass only only give you direction, not distance.