Help, I'm failing high school microrobotics. How do you do a program not conne
Posts: 3
I am a 10th grader failing my microbotics class.· We're doing a unit on sensirion sensors.· I am supposed to design a display and develop a program that will indicate the exact temperature or humidity when the BOE is not connected.· He gave us the below before telling us to do this.· I don't even know where to start.· Please help, thank you.
·' Main Program Code
GOSUB SHT_Measure_Temp
GOSUB SHT_Measure_Humidity
DEBUG “Temp=“, DEC (tF/10), “· Degrees”, CR
DEBUG “ Humidity=“, Dec· (rhTrue/10), “·· “,CR
PAUSE 1000············· ' minimum delay between readings
·When modifying this program, you should only change or remove this Basic code.
Keep the lines shown here in yellow.
You may add Basic programming code (as needed) in this area.
tC = temperature in Celsius
tF = temperature in Fahrenheit
rhLin = humidity; linear zed
rhTrue = humidity; temp compensated
Divide variables above by 10
·' Main Program Code
GOSUB SHT_Measure_Temp
GOSUB SHT_Measure_Humidity
DEBUG “Temp=“, DEC (tF/10), “· Degrees”, CR
DEBUG “ Humidity=“, Dec· (rhTrue/10), “·· “,CR
PAUSE 1000············· ' minimum delay between readings
·When modifying this program, you should only change or remove this Basic code.
Keep the lines shown here in yellow.
You may add Basic programming code (as needed) in this area.
tC = temperature in Celsius
tF = temperature in Fahrenheit
rhLin = humidity; linear zed
rhTrue = humidity; temp compensated
Divide variables above by 10
You can work on the program (edit it, check the syntax, save it to hard disk, etc.) without the connection. Then you just work on the PC, without the Stamp.
You can run the Stamp without the PC after you have downloaded the program from the PC to the Stamp. Download the program to the Stamp (that is, load the program into the Stamp) from the PC, then you can disconnect the PC and run the Stamp program without the PC connected. The Stamp will remember the program.
· -- Carl,
- Stephen
Since nobody is handing over the answers as easily as you expect, show us some effort and progress first. Then, come back with a succint, focused question about a single piece of the problem. These guys are going to be more helpful if they see you helping yourself. Don't assume we won't help, because we will, but only after we see some effort.
I'll give you one small tip to get started. He's mostly giving you a cut and paste task. There's a danger in this, though. If you don't understand each line of code that you cut and paste you won't be able to solve the problem. Microcontroller projects don't work until you make them work. You can have errors in wiring, software, or concept. Do it one small step at a time.
Ken Gracey
Post Edited (Ken Gracey (Parallax)) : 12/5/2008 5:20:50 AM GMT
That's how I learned it. It's a good way to learn a LOT of other things about these devices too.
I hope You picked a good "Alias" or User name.I'd bet money Your teacher looks to this forum for ideas ;Every day.
Once You have focus and direction,send a post reply! "LCD ,VFD, LED7seg. etc.".What· kind of display
Post Edited ($WMc%) : 12/5/2008 8:41:24 PM GMT
1 high pitch
3 slightly lower
5 lower
8 low pitches
The listener can then infer the value by listening and counting the number of times each tone appeared, then shoving it to the left when a new lower number appeared. As an added benefit, nobody figured out the system until I told them, but then they instantly grasped the concept.