Basic stamp problems
So Ive been suing my BS2 for about 2 years.·I didnt use it for most of this time, and just started using it recently about 2 months ago. For some reason, yesterday I was fine in uploading apps to it and stuff. Today I get the dreaded "No BASIC Stamp Found" Message. I put it fresh batteries,·disconnected both the servos and the breadboard components·I had connected.·The serial cable is connected, and the PORT STATUS says this
Device type [noparse]:([/noparse]nothing here)
Version (blank)
Loopback: Yes
Echo: Yes
WTF I really need this to work
Device type [noparse]:([/noparse]nothing here)
Version (blank)
Loopback: Yes
Echo: Yes
WTF I really need this to work

I also facing the same problem with u...
Until now, i haven't solve the problem yet, need u advice ...
For u information, i using the Microsoft Vista Ultimate (32 bits) ...
Is the OS cause this problem to happen...
David Tan