Project box for USB Propeller Prototype board.
Does anyone have a mouser or digikey part number for a plastic box that nicely fits the mounting points on the Propeller prototype board USB part number 32812?
OBC - maybe you remember who had these, and if they ever started selling these?
This enclosure from Sparkfun is *almost* the right size, I remember someone else had used it, but had to trim a little. If you have the accessory kit installed (Key/mouse/VGA connector) then you may not be able to use it, or cut a hole for it to protrude through
Brian - home of SpinStudio - the modular Development system for the Propeller
PropNIC - Add ethernet ability to your Propeller! PropJoy - Plug in a joystick and play some games!
SD card Adapter - mass storage for the masses Audio/Video adapter add composite video and sound to your Proto Board
Post Edited (parts-man73) : 12/3/2008 9:00:06 PM GMT
I don't know that he has an official website up yet, but I believe he takes orders. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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One thing I'll do to mine (to be ordered as soon as your site is up!) is replace the screws with knurled thumb screws... what thread are the screws which hold the lid on?
Post Edited (ErNa) : 12/5/2008 6:37:41 AM GMT
I see dollars leaving my wallet, looking for a place to go.
These will get my boards out of boxes in the computer room and into
the living room!
easily accessible? I couldn't tell from the pictures.
Also, do the bare boards cause much audio/video interference? If so,
does the acrylic make much difference?
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, uOLED-IOC, eProto for SunSPOT, BitScope
Tubular,· #4-40
dpeschel,· The HYDRA Enclosure has a hole to access the reset switch, the other ones do not. You can easily drill a hole, to access it or to add an external switch.·I'm not sure I understand your question about interference, I don't think acrylic would effect audio/video interference.
cases for decades now, and FCC regulations/warnings). I suspect it's not really a problem, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
I suppose if you get too much RF from your board, well first, you must be drawing some serious power, but second, you could just line the inside of the case with AL foil... noise suppressed!
2 questions
1. Can we get a picture of the grey acrylic box? Clear and colors are cool and all, but if its gonna get dirty anyway.... ( Never Mind this one, Just ordered one, Ill see it when it gets here [noparse]:)[/noparse] )
2. Any chance for a blank box(No holes cut into it, Ive got an application that needs plugs on the box, and I would like to just wire direct to the plugs, and avoid all these open holes.)
and or a box that is sealed( Like rubber gasket or such?, Its going to be outside.)
Thanks for this
Post Edited (TJHJ) : 12/15/2008 8:31:52 PM GMT