Connect PCs to Stamps
If the PC, one or two, or more, connected to the Master Stamp, how would you program it for data exchange? In the stamp, we have serial commands to wait, send, receive and recognize ascii characters. But won't the PC need some kind of programmable terminal program to do the same?Mike Green said...
On the other hand, you can easily add a couple of switching transistors to make any RS232 to serial or USB to serial adapter do open mode and thus use a PC for this kind of party line.
On the other hand, if you're just looking for data CAPTURE, the Windows utility Hyperterminal works fine, and it's been included with almost all Windows System since day one. I say almost because you must specify that you want it during the initial installation from the CD, or you can add later, but you must had the CD.
There are other data capture programs on the Internet that are freeware as well. If you need more information, just contact me.
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
Take a look at Mr. Robert Zale's "Power Basic" complier.It works great with serial com.s w/ the $stamp's."As in PC to Master $stamp".
I wrote a simple serial program w/ this compiler thats less then 30 lines w/ "error handler" and all.It supports Interrupts and PoPup's as
I see Your Budget restrictions,I'll keep and eye out for some Freeware.I was just looking at some free demo software the other day.I'll take a look at it and get back to You if it's any good.