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Pin high , Pin low — Parallax Forums

Pin high , Pin low

anita1984anita1984 Posts: 23
edited 2008-12-02 18:45 in Propeller 1
Hello Forum , i have a motor , one of the pin ( when the pin is low the motor is on , when the pin is high the motor is off )
Is it's good to write like this :
              mov dira,Pin     
              mov outa,High    
              mov dira,Pin 
              mov outa,#0                 
Pin long|<7                           
High long $FFFFFFFF     

this will be in a code and i can call MotorOff or MotorOn , depends to my need
is this good method ?

Thank you Forum wink.gif


  • Erik FriesenErik Friesen Posts: 1,071
    edited 2008-12-01 22:45
    It has to be:

    or dira,Pin' this to set the pin output

    or outa,Pin' this sets it high

    andn outa,Pin' this sets it low

    Or, Paul Baker has another way he recommends that I can't remember right off.

    If you are setting these up as functions you have to have ret labels.
  • Andrew E MileskiAndrew E Mileski Posts: 77
    edited 2008-12-01 23:15
    Note that you can load:

    $0 through $1FF using "mov dest, #N"

    $FFFFFFFF through $FFFFFE01 ($-1 through $-1FF) using "neg dest, #-N"
  • anita1984anita1984 Posts: 23
    edited 2008-12-02 18:20
    Hello do you mean like this :
                  or dira,Pin     
                  or outa,High   
                  or dira,Pin 
                  andn outa,Pin                 
    Pin long|<7                         
    High long $FFFFFFFF

    Thank you in advance
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-12-02 18:45
    You don't need "High" in your case.
        or      dira,PinMask   ' makes the pin an output
        andn  dira,PinMask   ' makes the pin an input
        or      outa,PinMask  ' make the pin high
        andn  outa,PinMask  ' make the pin low
    PinMask  long   |< Pin

    If the pin number is less than 9, you can use immediate operands
        or      dira,#|< Pin   ' makes the pin an output
        andn  dira,#|< Pin   ' makes the pin an input
        or      outa,#|< Pin  ' make the pin high
        andn  outa,#|< Pin  ' make the pin low
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