Data Logging?
Is it possible to log data on the BS2, then come back to the computer and retrieve the data? The data I would be recording is simple, a Boe-bot is roaming and when it changes direction, records a specific value( like 2 when going left and 3 when right so on). And the recording would be only a minute or two of mostly straight path.
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
time VAR Word ' SONY TV remote variables
remoteCode VAR Byte
pulseCount VAR Byte
value VAR Word
value2 VAR Word
DEBUG "Binary Value Decimal Value", CR, ' Display heading
"Bit 76543210 ", CR,
DO ' Beginning of main loop
Get_Pulses: ' Label to restart message check
remoteCode = 0 ' Clear all bits in remoteCode
' Wait for resting state between messages to end.
RCTIME 9, 1, time
LOOP UNTIL time > 1000
' Measure start pulse. If out of range, then retry at Get_Pulses label.
RCTIME 9, 0, time
IF time > 1125 OR time < 675 THEN GOTO Get_Pulses
' Get data bit pulses.
RCTIME 9, 0, time ' Measure pulse
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT0 = 1 ' Set (or leave clear) bit-0
RCTIME 9, 0, time ' Measure next pulse
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT1 = 1 ' Set (or leave clear) bit-1
RCTIME 9, 0, time ' etc
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT2 = 1
RCTIME 9, 0, time
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT3 = 1
RCTIME 9, 0, time
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT4 = 1
RCTIME 9, 0, time
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT5 = 1
RCTIME 9, 0, time
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT6 = 1
DEBUG CRSRXY, 4, 3, BIN8 remoteCode, ' Display keypad code
CRSRXY, 14, 3, DEC2 remoteCode
IF (remotecode=1) THEN
value = 1
WRITE 0, Word value
FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 30
PULSOUT 13,650
PULSOUT 12,850
IF (remotecode=4) THEN
value2 = 2
WRITE 1, Word value2
FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 30
PULSOUT 13,850
PULSOUT 12,650
IF (remotecode=3) THEN
FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 30
PULSOUT 13,650
PULSOUT 12,650
IF (remotecode=5) THEN
FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 30
PULSOUT 13,850
PULSOUT 12,850
IF (remotecode=0) THEN
PULSOUT 13,750
PULSOUT 12,750
LOOP ' Repeat main
and i tried presssing a few times each button, and then tried this to read the values i "got"
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
result· VAR···· Word
· READ 0, result.LOWBYTE
· READ 1, result.HIGHBYTE
· DEBUG DEC ? result
and i didnt get what i wanted, a 1 or 2 in the same sequence. I just got the number from the example i used. any help on this? it would help a lot of other people in the future too.
Not to rain on your present efforts, if this were my project, I'd use a BS-2E. It's designed for data logging, as you can see here:
Note carefully the following which I have extracted from the web link above:
"The BS2E-IC, powered by the Ubicom SX microcontroller, is ideal for those that have previous experience with the BS2 and would like more variable or program space. For a complete technical comparison between the BS2e and all other modules, check out the BASIC Stamp Comparisons (.pdf) in the downloads section."
What you are looking for in a chip which does data logging is more variable space. With this particular Stamp module you have banked memory (2 x 8K) to use as you see fit, and a lower current profile. The BS2E is essentially a lower power version of the BS-2SX. The BS-2SX is faster, but it also draws more current, both when active and also while sleeping (SLEEP command).
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
WRITE 0, Word value
WRITE 1, Word value2
WRITE 0, value
WRITE 1, value2
Then in readout, I think they should be separate values?:
Read 0,value
Read 1,value2
DEBUG DEC value, TAB, DEC value2
Tracy Allen
I looked at the price tag of the already assembled BS2e and that is way out of budget (Im in high school) and no this is not for school. They dont even have woodshop here, really disapointing. And I took a look at the parts to build my own BS2e, theyre more moderate, and if I were to build this could I use my Boe Bot Board (its the one with removable BS2)? Also is this BS2e similar in programming and how difficult is it to solder it? Is it the same small contacts as on the BS2?
If you mean "111221" then it is. If you really mean "11121" for "forward forward forward back back forward" then I have no idea what you're trying to do. Can you clarify that first?
You can remove the BS2 (CAREFULLY!) from the Boe Bot board and put a BS2e chip in there, if you mean this kind of thing:
Is that what you meant by "already assembled"? It's $54. If you're asking about whether or not you can put one of these
into your Boe Bot board, the answer is "no". If that's what you mean by "build my own BS2e", you might be able to wire together a version that you could wire up to a socket that then plugs into the Boe on your Bot, but it seems like a lot of trouble, and by the time you're done with the $13 interpreter chip, another $2 for the EEPROM, another $1 for the resonator, a buck or so for the circuit board and another buck for whatever you're using to connect it to the Boe, a few bucks for the power supply parts, and a few more bucks for the programming interface parts (DB9, capacitors, etc. - more if you're using USB), you're going to be close to $30, I think. And yes, you'll have to solder standard through-the-hole components together to build it.
However, it sounds to me like you're not planning to collect so much data that it's going to be necessary to have that extra space anyway. Once you get WRITE/READ going properly with the BS2, see if you have enough space for the data you need to collect.
BTW, here's how to write and read those word-sized variables:
(copied from the WRITE help page, with a little modification. Of course you'll need to use $STAMP BS2 instead)
Finally, if you're really cramped for space, you might be able to squeeze quite a bit of data into a single byte with a little clever programming. Imagine that your bot is going to do nothing but move forward and backwards. In that case, everything would be either a 0 (say, for backwards) or a 1 (for forwards). If you went forward, forward, forward, back, back, forward, forward, back, you'd have
Location 1 - 1
Location 2 - 1
Location 3 - 1
Location 4 - 0
Location 5 - 0
Location 6 - 1
Location 7 - 1
Location 8 - 0
So it takes 8 locations to hold all of those data. But you could instead store them in a single location,
Location 1 - 230 (= binary 11100110 = 1*128 + 1*64 + 1*32 + 0*16 + 0*8 + 1*4 + 1*2 + 0*1)
Using that kind of coding, each location could store 8 data points, and you now have 8 times as much storage space. Now that's sort of "best case": you've suggested that you have more than just forward and backwards, which means that kind of simple binary coding isn't going to work. But it might still be possible to figure out something that uses one location for forward-backwards and the next for right-left, and still preserve the order in which those things happened, and also still save some memory space. The simplest thing I can think of would require three bytes of memory to store 8 data points (and I may be oversimplifying it in my head - it might require 4 or even 5), but if you're butting up against memory limits, it might be worth putting some thought into that kind of thing.
Post Edited (sylvie369) : 11/29/2008 7:10:09 PM GMT
$2 plus a couple of resistors and some wire, and you can fairly easily add up to 8 of them, for WAY more memory than you're ever going to need for this project.
Notice a couple of things:
1) 'counter' is deliberately only a byte value. This keeps its value to between 0 and 255 and prevents a bug from causing your program to use more than 256 bytes of EEPROM for data and possibly overwriting your program. You said that you only needed to record a few values.
2) The last thing logged should be some kind of marker like 255, which, by design, would never occur in your log data. This marks the end of the data for when you go back and read it later
3) There's a limit of maybe 100,000 times any given location in EEPROM can be written before it begins to "wear out". This isn't normally a problem, but be careful about programs that write data a lot in the same location or buggy programs that are allowed to run for hours. If a program writes to the same location in EEPROM 10 times a second, that location in EEPROM will start to wear out in only 10,000 seconds. That's only about 2.5 hours.
4) To write a value to the log, set "value" to the value (0-254) that you want to log and call "gosub logTheData".
A program that might read this log and transmit the values to the Stamp Editor's Debug Window (assumes end of data marker is 255):
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 11/30/2008 7:46:12 PM GMT
Assuming you have some room left after loading the program, use the memory map in the development environment to see what's available. Say you've got 100 or so bytes left; based on what you've said that would be 100 direction codes ( 1, 2,3,4, as you've described). Would that be enough?
If so, write a bit of code to store the direction codes using the WRITE command. Don't forget to increment the storage location after each WRITE. Also BYTE size will be fine, as several responders have pointed out.
Also write a small subroutine that systematically READs all those locations and sends them out serially, either through a spare pin or the programming port. The serial out would be triggered by a spare pin input or a code from the keypad. When sending serially you'll have the chance to send them as DECimal chars, Hex, or as String characters which will depend on your VB program.
Tom Sisk
· -- Carl,
So I was more successfull then usual, but I still have an issue, for some reason the terminal just reads
then theres a break and it repeats the long list of a's
heres the code i ran to write the values:
'Copyright George Lejnine
'Only for use with Sony(r) remotes
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
time VAR Word ' SONY TV remote variables
remoteCode VAR Byte
pulseCount VAR Byte
counter VAR Byte
value VAR Byte
DEBUG "Binary Value Decimal Value", CR, ' Display heading
"Bit 76543210 ", CR,
DO ' Beginning of main loop
Get_Pulses: ' Label to restart message check
remoteCode = 0 ' Clear all bits in remoteCode
' Wait for resting state between messages to end.
RCTIME 0, 1, time
LOOP UNTIL time > 1000
' Measure start pulse. If out of range, then retry at Get_Pulses label.
RCTIME 0, 0, time
IF time > 1125 OR time < 675 THEN GOTO Get_Pulses
' Get data bit pulses.
RCTIME 0, 0, time ' Measure pulse
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT0 = 1 ' Set (or leave clear) bit-0
RCTIME 0, 0, time ' Measure next pulse
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT1 = 1 ' Set (or leave clear) bit-1
RCTIME 0, 0, time ' etc
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT2 = 1
RCTIME 0, 0, time
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT3 = 1
RCTIME 0, 0, time
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT4 = 1
RCTIME 0, 0, time
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT5 = 1
RCTIME 0, 0, time
IF time > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT6 = 1
DEBUG CRSRXY, 4, 3, BIN8 remoteCode, ' Display keypad code
CRSRXY, 14, 3, DEC2 remoteCode
IF (remotecode=1) THEN ' go forward
value = 1
GOSUB logthedata
FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 30
PULSOUT 13,650
PULSOUT 12,850
IF (remotecode=4) THEN ' go backward
value = 2
GOSUB logthedata
FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 30
PULSOUT 13,850
PULSOUT 12,650
IF (remotecode=3) THEN ' go left
value = 3
GOSUB logthedata
FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 30
PULSOUT 13,650
PULSOUT 12,650
IF (remotecode=5) THEN 'go right
value = 4
GOSUB logthedata
FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 30
PULSOUT 13,850
PULSOUT 12,850
IF (remotecode=0) THEN 'stop
PULSOUT 13,750
PULSOUT 12,750
IF (remotecode=9) THEN 'stop
counter = 0
WRITE counter,value ' write the value to EEPROM
counter = counter + 1 ' increment the counter
LOOP ' Repeat main
then the code to read them:
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
counter VAR Byte
value VAR Byte
counter = 0
READ counter,value
counter = counter + 1
DEBUG value,CR
GOTO getNextValue
I really want to get this right, so I dont have to bother you guys with this. Maybe a defect somewhere but I doubt.
You have to put a GOSUB logTheData there and move the LOOP to before the logTheData: label. What you end up with the way you did it is a RETURN without a GOTO and anything can happen that way. You're also resetting "counter" rather than "value". You'll end up overwriting the first entry of the log.
Your code to read the logged data will keep going past the end of the log, then display whatever junk is in the EEPROM.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 12/2/2008 5:06:51 AM GMT
What do you mean?
"IF (remotecode=9) THEN 'stop
counter = 0
is seperate of
WRITE counter,value ' write the value to EEPROM
counter = counter + 1 ' increment the counter
LOOP ' Repeat main"
Or are you reffering to something I did wrong in the other If THEN statement. The (remotecode=9) is just a button on the remote I press to reset the Location of the EEPROM writting. I press this when I first begin writting new data.
is a subroutine. It must be called with a "GOSUB logTheData" after setting "value". The subroutine has to be placed in your program somewhere where execution will not "fall through" into it. If this happens, the RETURN will be executed and the Stamp will attempt to return to a place in your program that doesn't exist. Often the Stamp will reset. Sometimes it will return to after a previous GOSUB.
IF (remotecode=1) THEN ' go forward
value = 1
GOSUB logthedata
FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 30
PULSOUT 13,650
PULSOUT 12,850
Isn't that exactly what you are saying?
Im going to try that right now then.
in the debug terminal. Whats interesting is why does it keep writting a not somethin else?
1) Make sure that the program logs a value of 255 as the last valid value like I said originally.
2) Here's the display routine:
Here is a log of a very long topic:
Entry #0 is 1
Entry #1 is 1
Entry #2 is 2
Entry #3 is 3
Entry #4 is 3
Entry #5 is 4
Entry #6 is 1
Entry #7 is 1
Entry #8 is 2
Entry #9 is 2
Entry #10 is 4
Entry #11 is 1
Entry #12 is 1