BS2 Voltage Regulator Overheating
Posts: 4
I have the Basic Stamp HomeWork Board, and whenever i have it powered up, the built in voltage regulator gets really hot. It even gets hot when I don't have anything connected to the BS2's outputs or Vdd or Vin. Is this normal? I don't remember it doing that before.
I have the Basic Stamp HomeWork Board, and whenever i have it powered up, the built in voltage regulator gets really hot. It even gets hot when I don't have anything connected to the BS2's outputs or Vdd or Vin. Is this normal? I don't remember it doing that before.
It is not, of course, normal. I've got one here and the only time it ever got hot was the one time I accidentally connected a direct short. If yours is getting hot with nothing attached except a 9V battery, you might want to closely inspect the board itself. Is there something conductive caught on it somewhere?
If you're using something other than a 9V battery, to power the board, please describe it.
Has it always done this? Or did it used to work without heating up? I assume when you say "really hot" you mean "really hot", not "I can sorta tell that it's heated up a bit".
Put in a program that will repeatedly cycle all the pins high, then low.· While it is running, connect the LED in turn to each output.· On each undamaged output, the light will flash.· If one is blown, the lamp will not flash, but will instead stay dark or stay lit.·
Here's a program that will work for this:
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
i VAR Byte
····· FOR i= 0 TO 15
····· LOW i
····· NEXT
·· PAUSE 300
····· FOR i= 0 TO 15
····· HIGH i
····· NEXT
·· PAUSE 300
· -- Carl,