about BS2 and TCS230
need help guys..i want to make some final project using TCS230 from parallax.
so i decide to buy a BS2 microcontroller,then i search in internet.i find that there is OEM BS2..what the different with the "usual" BS2?why both prices different?
please someone help me choosing the right basic stamp microcontroller for me.
ouw by the way i'm noob bout this..this is my first touch with basic stamp..
(sorry for bad english)
oh no..
so i decide to buy a BS2 microcontroller,then i search in internet.i find that there is OEM BS2..what the different with the "usual" BS2?why both prices different?
please someone help me choosing the right basic stamp microcontroller for me.
ouw by the way i'm noob bout this..this is my first touch with basic stamp..
(sorry for bad english)

oh no..
now i decide to buy BS module..is there any significance different between BS2 and BS2SX? if i go for BS2SX,then i download a BS2 program on it.can it works well?
or i have to change some part of the program that i write for BS2.i see that the basic stamp editor also different between BS2 and BS2SX..
oh no..
A few of the statements have timing information that's dependent on the module. For example, there's a Baud constant that varies from model to model. The Stamp Manual has the information on the differences in the chapters on the various statements. The manual also shows how you can use conditional compilation to automatically adjust your program for different models by defining a different set of constants for each model, constants that you use in these timing-dependent statements.
i have a color demo program for using with TCS230.the extension is .bs i read in an ebook "basic stamp 2p" the extension used for BS2 is different with the one used for BS2SX..
and what's your suggestion about which one should i choose.is it 500lines PBASIC code is more than enough for building a color censor system?
oh no..
2) The BS2sx should have more than enough capacity for a color sensor system. You didn't say anything about the user interface. That's usually the most complex and memory intensive part of a system. You can always use additional "slots" (2K memory areas) to handle functional units of your program. There's a nice article on multi-slot programming in the Nuts and Volts Columns series. I think there's also an article on the TCS230. Go to the main Parallax webpage and click on the Resources tab. You'll see a link to the Nuts and Volts Columns index.
3) I'm somewhat biased towards the BS2p/pe/px models. These tend to be more expensive than the others, but they do have additional features. If you don't need the features, then it doesn't matter. If you plan on using a parallel LCD display or a 1-Wire or I2C device, these have I/O statements that make programming for these much easier than for the BS2 or BS2sx.
2) i just connect TCS230 with BS and then BS wired trought PC.i use VB for software interface using hyperterminal on windows for data transferring
3) no,i'm not using LCD
oh no..
you're the man..
oh no..
and i try to download a program,color match 10 from paralax, to it. the prob is when i connect it to TCS 230 and run prog,then debug window show "error-white surface too dark".
question is:
1. what is that?i mean why this message always shown up
2. in what way i can test my TCS230 still works well
3. coz i'm not using those parallax edu-board (my device is BS2SX module-connector D.I.Y-DB expander-TCS230),how can i check my connector works properly.i try to add a LED and try to control LED with BS2SX but it doesnt work.
thanks..yes i know bad english,sorry
oh no..
oh no..
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
thanks chris
oh no..
Okay, I see your problem now…your program was written for a BS2, but you are using a BS2sx. The COUNT command used in this program returns different values when running on a BS2sx than when running on a BS2, so the values returned aren’t what the program is expecting to see. If you look in the help file under the COUNT command you will see that for a BS2 each unit in the value relates to 1 mS of time. On the BS2sx each unit relates to 400 uS of time. So you would need to alter the program to work on the BS2sx. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
i'll try it ASAP.if any further problem may i ask u again.coz i'm new in this parallax stuff.[noparse]:)[/noparse]
oh no..
oh no..