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Help with ADC0838

GaryTGaryT Posts: 11
edited 2008-11-30 20:13 in Propeller 1
Has anybody used the the "ADC0838 to debug" object from the object library? I modified it a bit to work on the Demo board and send output to TV. But I don't understand how to use the SE pin, the Object doesn't seem to use it, but I can't get it to work either.
Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2008-11-25 21:32
    That pin only controls whether the LSB (SE=0) or MSB (SE=1) come out first. It will work anyways. Did you check the clock line to see if it toggles ? CLK should be provided at all times and CS asserted when a conversion is started. I assume you checked the connectons between the prop and the ADC.
  • GaryTGaryT Posts: 11
    edited 2008-11-25 23:23
    Thanks Ale! I'm back on it this afternoon. Thanks for the info on the SE pin, I wasn't sure how to figure that out from the data sheet. I think that might be related to my problem. It appears that somewhere in the MUX addressing I'm setting some of the ports to single ended mode and some to differential mode. I think the problem is with the way I'm shifting the 4 mode bits + 1 start bit in on the DI pin. I'm setting up some output now to watch the CMD variable and see what's happening. I'm guessing that LSB or MSB mode would have quite an effect but I'll just leave it a no-connect for now.

    Thanks again,
  • GaryTGaryT Posts: 11
    edited 2008-11-25 23:49
    I'm pretty sure it's the MUX addressing but I can't figure out why. I get good data for Channel 7, the MUX address is the same LSB and MSB. I've tried to shift in the other channel addresses both directions and get results that seem to indicate that I'm not doing it right. Maybe some dinner will help.

    Thanks for any ideas,

    '* ADC 0838 Channel TVOut *

    'code compiled and revised by Bryan Kobe June, 2007
    'revised for demo Board Gary T. Nov, 2008.
    'This code is used for addressing and accessing all 8 channels on the ADC 0838
    'It will address and TVOut all 8 channels, returning the value 0-255.


    │ Vcc(+5V)
    ┌───────────────┐ │
    ───┤1 ch0 VCC 20 ├───┤
    ─┤2 ch1 V+ 19 ├─ nc
    ─┤3 ch2 CS 18 ├──── pin3
    ─┤4 ch3 DI 17 ├──── pin2
    ─│5 ch4 CLK 16 ├─── pin1
    ─│6 ch5 SARS15 ├── pin4
    ─│7 ch6 DO 14 ├── pin0
    ─│8 ch7 SE 13 ├─ nc
    ┌─┤9 com VREf12 ├────── +5vdc
    ├─┤10 dgnd agnd11 ├─┐
    │ └───────────────┘ │



    _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
    _xinfreq = 5_000_000

    {{ AD0 = %11000
    AD1 = %11100 ' Note: See Datasheet MUX Addressing for more details
    AD2 = %11001 ' Bit 4 = Start Bit, Bit 3 = SGL/DIF, Bit 2 = ODD/SIGN, Bit 1 = SELECT 1, Bit 0 = SELECT 0
    AD3 = %11101
    AD4 = %11010
    AD5 = %11110
    AD6 = %11011
    AD7 = %11111}}

    'AD0 = %11000
    AD0 = %00011
    AD1 = %00111
    AD2 = %10011
    AD3 = %10111 ' Note: See Datasheet MUX Addressing for more details
    AD4 = %01011 'Bit 5 = 1, Bit 4 = Start Bit, Bit 3 = SGL/DIF, Bit 2 = ODD/SIGN, Bit 1 = SELECT 1, Bit 0 = SELECT 0
    AD5 = %01111
    AD6 = %11011
    AD7 = %11111

    ' pin configuration

    clk = 1
    cs = 3
    dataout = 0
    datain = 2
    sars = 4


    TVOut : "TV_Terminal"
    num : "Numbers"


    byte ADC ' Analog to Digital Channel Din Value. Set using CON values.
    long datar ' 8 Bit return value from conversion
    Word Addr

    PUB main

    dira[noparse][[/noparse]cs]~~ 'set Chip Select to output
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]cs] := 1 'set Chip Select High
    waitcnt(50_000_000 + cnt)
    dira[noparse][[/noparse]clk]~~ 'set clk pin to output
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]clk]:=1 'set clock pin low
    waitcnt(50_000_000 + cnt)
    dira[noparse][[/noparse]dataout]~ 'set data in pin to an input
    dira[noparse][[/noparse]datain]~~ 'set data out pin to an output

    'start the tv terminal


    'GetADC(0)', Num#dec)
    TVOut.str(num.ToStr(GetADC(0), Num#dec))
    'waitcnt(50_000000 + cnt)
    TVOut.str(num.ToStr(GetADC(1), Num#dec))
    TVOut.str(num.ToStr(GetADC(2), Num#dec))
    TVOut.str(num.ToStr(GetADC(3), Num#dec))
    TVOut.str(num.ToStr(GetADC(4), Num#dec))
    TVOut.str(num.ToStr(GetADC(5), Num#dec))
    TVOut.str(string("Ch6 ="))
    TVOut.str(num.ToStr(GetADC(6), Num#dec))
    TVOut.str(num.ToStr(GetADC(7), Num#dec))

    waitcnt(5_000_0000 + cnt)

    PRI GetADC( chan ) : value

    if (chan == 0)
    ADC := AD0
    if (chan == 1)
    ADC := AD1
    if (chan == 2)
    ADC := AD2
    if (chan == 3)
    ADC := AD3
    if (chan == 4)
    ADC := AD4
    if (chan == 5)
    ADC := AD5
    if (chan == 6)
    ADC := AD6
    if (chan == 7)
    ADC := AD7

    datar := write(ADC) 'write MUX Address to start conversion for ADC channel and set result to the datar value
    return datar

    PRI write( cmd ) : datar_val | i

    outa[noparse][[/noparse]cs] := 0 ' set Chip Select Low
    writeByte( cmd ) ' Write the command to start conversion for X port

    repeat while (ina[noparse][[/noparse]sars] == 1) ' SARS goes LOW when sending LSB First Dout on ADC0838 (See Datasheet)
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]clk] := 1 ' toggle sclk pin High (add delay here if clock is too fast) (clue: check duty cycle)
    waitcnt(5000 + cnt)
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]clk] := 0 ' toggle sclk pin Low
    waitcnt(5000 + cnt)

    ' Ok now get the Conversion for this channel
    repeat i from 0 to 7 ' read 8 bits
    if ina[noparse][[/noparse]dataout] == 1
    datar |= |< i ' set bit i HIGH
    datar &= !|< i ' set bit i LOW
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]clk] := 1 ' toggle sclk pin High
    waitcnt(50_00 + cnt)
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]clk] := 0 ' toggle sclk pin Low

    outa[noparse][[/noparse]cs] := 1 ' set Chip Select High
    return datar

    PRI writeByte( cmd ) | i

    repeat i from 0 to 3 ' ADC0838 has 1 start bit and 4 data bits
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]datain] := cmd ' send LSB bit
    cmd >>= 1 ' shift to next bit
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]clk] := 1 ' toggle sclk pin High (add delay here if clock is too fast) (clue: check duty cycle)
    waitcnt(50_00 + cnt)
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]clk] := 0 ' toggle sclk pin Low
    waitcnt(50_00 + cnt)
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2008-11-26 08:20
    What I see is that datain is P2, so in writeByte you are shifting starting bit 0, so you are losing 2 bits, unless the spin shifts for you the bit 0 to the bit indicated by datain... I do not know. It should be dataout !

    On the other hand, a AD0838 needs 5 bits of command and you are only shifting 4... (repeat from 0 to 3). I imagine indention is ok also (use the code tags).
  • GaryTGaryT Posts: 11
    edited 2008-11-29 01:46
    Thanks for the ideas Ale, I think I have the dataout part to the ADC0838 going ok with this file. After a couple frustrating days, I think the returning data makes sense, as far as which channel it's reading.
    Now I seem to have a strange problem with the results, they are half of what I expect. A 5v input on a pin returns 127, not 255. I think the pins are wired right, +V and Vref are at +5, Agnd is 0. I've tried 3 different ways to receive the data(shown in attached file) and get the same result either way, not the worst problem in the world to have, but I think I'm close to getting it right, and maybe suitable for the Object Library. smilewinkgrin.gif

    Any help greatly appreciated!
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2008-11-29 14:56
    You may be reading the bits off-time.
  • CannibalRoboticsCannibalRobotics Posts: 535
    edited 2008-11-30 20:13
    I've got some ADC0838 code working back at the shop. I've been down this road before. (If you want it let me know.)
    Anyway, look very closely at the timing diagram for this chip. The setup word and data bit shift timing are different. The last clock pulse of the setup is the first pulse of the data transmission. It's also wierd in that the symetrical data output shares the LSB in the middle AND THAT CLOCK CYCLE. The diagram shows an extra 3 clocks at the very wend of the cycle, I found that these seem to be necessary before the next sample.
    (Look at page 11 of the attachment.)

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