Does anyone know whether or not basic stamp creators designed it to receive any sort of scientific or engineering notation such as 3e3 for 3000 or such?
The Stamp doesn't know about scientific notation. It's possible to attach a floating point co-processor to a Stamp that can handle scientific notation. Search Parallax's webstore for the product and links to documentation.
I am a student and just getting started with Stamp, and I had asked my professor in class if he knew of anything of the sorts because we were learing about sending frequencies to a piezo speaker. It seemed kind of tedious to keep on typing in the entire frequency versus just using 1.4k for example. I guess you could define it, but thanks for the responses guys I appreciate it!
The Stamps handle byte (0-255) and word (0-65535) sized integers. There is some simple support for signed numbers, and that's about it.