Battery Power Endurance
Is there any data on how long the BS2 can run on the 9V battery? I'm working on a stand alone humidity sensor for my cigar humidor, but it only seems to run two days before quitting. I'm wondering if the status led I am using is draining it too fast, or the SHT11 sensor is, or if the stamp just doesn't run that long on batteries.
Any hints?
Any hints?
Tracy Allen
It depends on the capacity (mAh rating) of the battery, and how much current your BS2 plus external circuitry requires.
I have seen 9V batteries with capacities ranging from 150mAh to 450mAh, and much higher with some of the newer LiFePO4 9V battery versions.
First, you need to find out how much current the BS2 and any external circuitry requires. A simple way to get a ballpark value is to place a 10 Ohm or less resistor in series with the power supply to the BS2 and other electronics and measure the voltage across the series resistor.
I = V / R
So for example if you measured 0.7 Volts across a 10 Ohm resistor, the current would be about 70mA
I = 0.7V / 10 = 0.07 or 70mA
If your 9V battery is rated for 450mAh, then at 70mA you could expect about 6 and a half hours of use.
450mAh / 70mA = 6.43 hours
There are several things that you can do to conserve power. Aside from the design, one of the most effective is power management. For example, instead of your sensor reading 24/7 take a reading every 5 seconds, but go into a lower power mode in-between readings. Using this method, even if it takes 1 second to take the reading, you have 4 seconds of low power mode... or 20% of the time you are using high power as opposed to 100% ... that alone can increase your run time by a factor of almost 5 times.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
The Duracell 9V Battery shows 550mAh.
I have forgotten my old PIE formulas, so I'm not sure how all that adds up.
Pin p0 shown for example. Then status is indicated by pulsing the pin. Flash the LED for 10 milliseconds, and with the 300 ohm resistor it will draw about 12 milliamps during the pulse, and zero otherwise. Suppose you flash the LED for 10 milliseconds once about every 2 seconds, in a loop something like this:
NAP puts the Stamp into its lowest power mode, where it will draw less than 50 microamps (see "NAP" the manual or the help screen). Then the total current drain is the average over time:
When NAPping for 2300 milliseconds: 0.05 mA tops, assuming all other current drains have been quashed.
When active for 10 milliseconds: 12 mA for the LED + 8 mA for the Stamp = 20 mA
Then time average:
(2300 * 0.05 + 10 * 20)/2310 = 0.136 mA
On a 9V battery with a capacity of 300 mA-hr, the life then should be about
300 / 0.136 = 2205 hours = 91 days.
A lot depends on how often you need to flash that LED. Better even if you use a high efficiency LED that can be seen clearly at 5 mA.
The Sensirion draws almost negligible current, only 0.5 mA when active and less than 0.001 mA when inactive. They use a time weighted average to come up with an average current, assuming you would only need to make a measurement once per second. The humidor probably doesn't need a measurement more than once per minute. That would be good, because it takes the Sensirion about 0.25 seconds to return a 14 bit reading, so you save power if you don't need to read it as often. The trick is to understand time averaged power.
Are you running the Stamp by itself, or is it mounted on board such as the BOE? The Stamp itself has a very efficient, micropower 5 volt regulator., but the BOE does not.
Tracy Allen
I am using the BOE to prototype the idea. I guess with this data, my next step it to order a BS2 and carrier board to wire up more of what the OEM board might be like.
4 AA's would last longer since you can get them in much higher mAh capacities (2500+ mAh), but be careful... 6V is very close to the input threshold requirement for a 5V regulator.· It would be better to used a 5th AA battery in this case.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Page 8 has a table showing rated capacities of various sizes of the standard Duracell Alkaline batteries. AA cells are rated at 2850 mAH while the standard 9V battery is rated at 580 mAH. If you're willing to take up·considerably more space (and in your application, why not?), C or D cells should give you quite a bit more working life than the AA cells (though adding a 5th C or D cell is quite a bit more onerous than adding a 5th AA).
Of course these are all just standard alkalines, and there are many more options in each battery size. I'm just starting to learn about this battery capacity stuff, and I was pretty surprised at how little capacity 9V batteries have in comparison with the other standard sizes.
Tracy's earlier remark about some regulators being more efficient than others is emphatically true.· I have recently built several identical devices, each with a Stamp and a 7805 regulator (among·other things like a clock and a display).· These boards are absolutely identical except that two of the 7805s came from Radio Shack and the other three came from Mouser.· The ones from Mouser (they're Fairchild devices) barely get warm to the touch, while the ones from Radio Shack will burn your fingers.· So the Radio Shack 7805s must be shunting a lot of waste current to ground.· This was a considerable surprise to me -- I thought all 7805s were the same.
· -- Carl,
I'm trying to make this a portable application, so wall transformers aren't going to work. The flashes question is what I am trying to sort out. For example, I was flashing once per 10% of humidity. But maybe I should flash once every 30 seconds when conditions are good, and every 3 seconds when you need to add moisture? All good choices, but I guess I need to think if battery life is more important than information.
Seems like the smoke detector approach might be the best. Flashing fast to get attention.
There are some nice 6 AA holders at Jameco - I think I'll try that with a more basic board. Since I'm getting such great help in this forum - what is the best board to attach my sht11 and led to easily and cheaply?
Thanks tons to all!
I think you can ignore the SHT11 in figuring your energy requirement.· Base it on the current for the Stamp, plus the current for the LED.
If you're going to dedicate a Stamp anyway, why not use three LEDs on different outputs, and infrequent short flashes.· If all is OK, flash the green one.· If marginal, flash the yellow one.· If the darned thing is drying out, flash red.
· -- Carl,
I was also thinking of putting bluetooth on it to interface with your phone, or even wifi. but I think that is all over kill. This is more like a plant water reminder and should just "wave it's arms" when it needs help.
· -- Carl,
35 ma at 115.2 kbps
25 ma at 9.6 kbps
8 ma at idle
3 ma at no connection
If you want remote notification, seems like an email or text message would be the way to go.
If you have a tricolor LED, the stoplight method is not hard to understand green, yellow, red! If you can run them at lower average current and shorter pulses, so much the better. The yellow and red are the ones that require action, so they could be set to flash more often. Every month it seems like LEDs are brighter than they were the month before. If you are around in a room in the dark they will attract your attention!
Would it be possible to run the LEDs only when someone presses a button to request a readout? That could be super low power, as there are means to shut off a Stamp completely between button presses. Or, maybe, couple it with a light sensor or or switch so it only flashes when someone lifts the lid to extract a smoke.
Tracy Allen
· -- Carl,
Post Edited (Carl Hayes) : 11/25/2008 1:30:53 AM GMT