reading riseing and falling Data/Clock, pulses????
Posts: 1,884
Hello all
·What I'm trying to do is read two 24 bit words. this is LSB 1st a 55uSec delay for the start then the 24 bit "Data" steam,Then comes a 55uSec stop,And then a 55uSec start for the next 24bit Word then a 55uSec stop time. The Freq. is around 80kHz
· My real ? is what statement would I use to look for the rising edge of A Data or Clock pulse
· I also need the falling edge of a clock/Data pulse
·This is in ref. to the I/O pins on the Prop.
·One other remark is the Pv from the device is only 1.5 volts,I plan on useing an O-Amp to get a lil. closer to 3.3volts
·What I'm trying to do is read two 24 bit words. this is LSB 1st a 55uSec delay for the start then the 24 bit "Data" steam,Then comes a 55uSec stop,And then a 55uSec start for the next 24bit Word then a 55uSec stop time. The Freq. is around 80kHz
· My real ? is what statement would I use to look for the rising edge of A Data or Clock pulse
· I also need the falling edge of a clock/Data pulse
·This is in ref. to the I/O pins on the Prop.
·One other remark is the Pv from the device is only 1.5 volts,I plan on useing an O-Amp to get a lil. closer to 3.3volts
Thats what I was looking for.