Writing power-on default values to PINK
I'm trying to write a web page that sets the power on default values for the email variables.· I tried the code below:
<H1>Set new power on default value for Nb_varET</H1>
<input type=hidden name=variable_name value="ET"><INPUT NAME="NewVal" TYPE="text" SIZE="64" VALUE=Nb_varET >
</B><BR><BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Submit New Default Value">
It does work but, in order to work, the Action has to be set for DEFAULTSET.HTM·· This terminates by landing me at the vv_show.htm page.· I don't want to land at vv_show.
Can someone share the code in DEFAULTSET.HTM so that I can use some of that code on my page.· If not, can you recommend a solution for my problem?
<H1>Set new power on default value for Nb_varET</H1>
<input type=hidden name=variable_name value="ET"><INPUT NAME="NewVal" TYPE="text" SIZE="64" VALUE=Nb_varET >
</B><BR><BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Submit New Default Value">
It does work but, in order to work, the Action has to be set for DEFAULTSET.HTM·· This terminates by landing me at the vv_show.htm page.· I don't want to land at vv_show.
Can someone share the code in DEFAULTSET.HTM so that I can use some of that code on my page.· If not, can you recommend a solution for my problem?
Then, you can modify them using commands from your Stamp as needed, but on power-up those defaults will go into effect again.
Knowing this, why would you want to write code to modify mail variables each time you power-on?
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
If you are going to attach a Stamp, then what about this?
Provide·a utility in PBasic that could be involked when needed to prompt for these flash stored variables. The utility could write to external EPROM. Then at power-on, Stamp code would read the EPROM and update Nb_vars as necessary in RAM.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering