Basic Stamp 2pe
I recently purchased a mobo 2pe and i am having a little trouble finding documentation on programming it. I have downloaded all the documents and they seem to be a bit vague. Is there anyplace where I can find some sample programs, or do I need something else, yet?
Any help would be appreciated. regards, stv
Any help would be appreciated. regards, stv
Off the Resources tab, you'll also find "Nuts and Volts Columns". There are over 100 columns on all sorts of subjects relating to the Stamps (or other Parallax microcontrollers). All of the tutorials and Nuts and Volts Columns include sample programs.
(and page 5 of the documentation gives a sample program).
If you want to do more useful things with it (and of course you do - you didn't spend $70 to make LEDs blink), I strongly recommend attaching one of the Power Input, 3-pin Header I/O Daughterboards ($15). It gives you easy access through three-pin headers to the various pins that you can use to attach servos, LCD displays, and so on. The documentation for the daughterboard explains in detail how to do all of the interesting things you'd really want to do with the 2pe.
Post Edited (sylvie369) : 11/24/2008 2:45:06 AM GMT
The book is on offer.· The first e-mail I get off-forum (to my e-mail address in the signature below) will get a free What's a Microcontroller under the following conditions:
(1) You must include a complete mailing address in the USA;
(2) If you get no reply from me, you must assume you were not first and aren't going to receive the book;
(3) You must assure me that you're a student, not some fully-employed person who could easily·pay for the book; and
(4) You must promise to pass the book on, the same way, with the same conditions, when you no longer need it.
Any takers?
· -- Carl,
Post Edited (Carl Hayes) : 11/25/2008 7:59:07 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
· -- Carl,