Help with robot
Hi, so here is the problem. I am using a Basic Stamp 2, and 2 servos and more things to control a car robot. It's kind of like a boe bot I guess, but its a truck. The BOE is mounted on the roof with all the IR sensors positioned just right so they look beyond the hood. I have batteries mounted on the back. Anyways here is the problem ( I will attach code). The car is made to turn left when the right sensor detects something. And if both sensors detect something at the same time, it needs to move back. This all works. But not like I want it to work. Here is what I would like, and I am sure with all the BS2 gurus on this website, we will be able to figure something out.
A) When the car detects an object with both left and right sensors it needs to do a U-turn.
- What it is currently doing, is (When both IR sensors are active) is moving back until it stops get detection, this doesnt work, because this causes it to move back for a bit, then move forward again, and it just spaazes out. This is not wanted.
Sometimes, when it senses something weird (oh, please note that I have 3 LEDS, 1 for when its turning left, 1 for when its turning right, and 1 for when its moving backwards) say for example the left light starts blinking a lot, which causes the car to spazz left, and not move like it should. What I would like, and I don't know if this is possible, is if it senses things continuously instead of just spazzing out, it should just do a U-Turn.
Please help you guys, I am stumped with this code.
BTW, I can't upload my program, there seems to be a "Server Error". Here it is.
A) When the car detects an object with both left and right sensors it needs to do a U-turn.
- What it is currently doing, is (When both IR sensors are active) is moving back until it stops get detection, this doesnt work, because this causes it to move back for a bit, then move forward again, and it just spaazes out. This is not wanted.

Please help you guys, I am stumped with this code.
BTW, I can't upload my program, there seems to be a "Server Error". Here it is.
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' Roaming with IR irdetectleft VAR Bit irdetectright VAR Bit pulseleft VAR Word pulseright VAR Word pulsecount VAR Byte FREQOUT 4, 200, 3000 PAUSE 100 FREQOUT 4, 200, 3000 DO FREQOUT 8, 1, 38500 irdetectleft = IN9 FREQOUT 2, 1, 38500 irdetectright = IN0 '--------------------- IF (irdetectleft = 0) AND (irdetectright = 0) THEN HIGH 6 pulseleft = 650 pulseright = 850 ELSEIF (irdetectleft = 0) THEN HIGH 1 pulseleft = 850 pulseright = 850 ELSEIF (irdetectright = 0) THEN HIGH 10 pulseleft = 650 pulseleft = 650 ELSE LOW 6 LOW 1 LOW 10 pulseleft = 850 pulseright = 650 ENDIF PULSOUT 14, pulseleft PULSOUT 12, pulseright LOOP
Anyway, don't forget to refresh the servos every ~20 ms. It looks like you are doing it much faster, and this may result is some of your problems...
Problem A: sees a wall a head, backs up, goes forward, ... : So, the simplest solution is simple to make one motor go faster when backing up. This will induce some turning action, and eventually it will get away from the wall.
Problem B: What do you mean by "the left light starts blinking alot". If you want it to sense things continuously and know that it has done so, you want a counter with some code like the psuedo code below:
IF Object Detected THEN objectCounter++
ELSE ObjectCounter = 0
IF(IN1 = 1 AND IN2 = 1) THEN
GOSUB activeFunction
Problem B: So, it sounds like the movement is too jerky... To smooth it out, you'll want a counter variable. Something like the following will "fill in the gaps" of your sensor, so, if your robot were to drive beside a picket fence it would register it as continuous. (Psuedo Code)
leftCounter Byte
if leftDetected is true, then leftCounter += 2
else if leftCounter != 0 then leftCounter --
'Is an object there?
if leftCounter > 0 then an object is to the left
Problem C: Servos should be refreshed every 20 ms. This means that you should pulse them every 20 ms. You can get away with less or more, but ideally, 20ms. It's because you can get away with less or more that you can run code during that 20ms. However, if your code is too short to take up 20 ms of time, then you'll want to add a PAUSE statement to make it up.
As for your robot being jerky, that is because you have it set so the robot only turns when it sees an object. With IR being so inaccurate and sometimes missing objects, sometimes it will go back to trying to go straight before realizing it is still in the way of the object. This would make it very jerky. Try giving it a loop until command with 20ms pauses to make it turn a little farther before checking the sensors again.
Pi Guy
Also SRLM, I see you have the PING module, how is it? Is it better than the IR sensors?
To program the servo refresh rate, you'll want to figure out how long each block of code takes, then do a pause of 20 ms - timeInCode. If memory serves me right, the BS2 does 4000 commands a second, or 4 commands a ms. So count up the commands (and don't forget things in the output that take time), and get an average of how long your code takes. Don't forget that it will never do all the if-else statements in one loop, rather, it will choose one and do it (so you only need to count one section). This counting is a very aproximate solution, so don't stress too hard for it. Then just add a PAUSE somewhere in your code (the logical place is at the pulseouts, but it doesn't really matter a whole lot.)
I quite like the ping, especially on a servo. It has a wider range of operating areas (indoors, out, fluorescent, incandescent) and it has a longer range. That said, it much more expensive than IR sensors and not as good for low cost applications.
Pi Guy
If there is a mistake in the code, please forgive me. I haven't programmed the BS2 in a while. Basically, though, what it should do is just check the sensor twice to make sure it didn't miss the object the first time. If you still have jerky problems, you could even space out the different checks with a pause command in-between or add more checks. Remember, you have 20ms to work with before you have to refresh the servos.
Pi Guy