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Problem with PASD

ImmNekImmNek Posts: 29
edited 2008-11-24 08:03 in Propeller 1

I have a problem using the nice tool PASD V0.3.
When I load the following code into PASD the label "asm_fedge_pold" apears two times in the cogRAM view. How this can be? I'm confused, what do I make wrong?

Ful code:
CON '***************************************************************************  
    'clock settings
    _clkmode    = xtal1 + pll16x                          
    _xinfreq    = 5_000_000
VAR '***************************************************************************
    long servo_en
    long servo_pw[noparse][[/noparse]32]     
OBJ '***************************************************************************
    Debug       :"PasDebug"
    ServoOut    :"Servo32v3"
    HW          :"Hardware"
PUB Start : code '**************************************************************
    ServoOut.Set(HW.ELE_1_OUT, 1500)
    ServoOut.Set(HW.ELE_2_OUT, 1500)
    ServoOut.Set(HW.AIL_1_OUT, 1500)
    ServoOut.Set(HW.AIL_2_OUT, 1500)
    ServoOut.Set(HW.RUD_1_OUT, 1500)
    ServoOut.Set(HW.RUD_2_OUT, 1500)
    ServoOut.Set(HW.FLP_1_OUT, 1500)
    ServoOut.Set(HW.FLP_2_OUT, 1500)

    cognew(@asm_entry, @servo_en)
    code := Debug.start(31,30,@asm_entry)

PUB EnServo(pin) '**************************************************************
DESCRIPTION     This method enables a pin for measureming the servo signal.

PARAMETERS      ================================================================
                pin         |this is the signal pin

RETURN          void          
    pin := 0 #> pin <# 31                                                       'limit the pin value
    servo_en |= 1 << pin                                                        'enable the servo
    servo_pw[noparse][[/noparse]pin] := 0                                                          'reset the pulse width
PUB DisServo(pin) '*************************************************************
DESCRIPTION     This method stops the measurement on the defined pin.

PARAMETERS      ================================================================
                pin         |this is the signal pin

RETURN          void          
    pin := 0 #> pin <# 31                                                       'limit the pin value
    servo_en &= !(1 << pin)                                                     'disable the servo
PUB GetServoPW(pin) : width '***************************************************
DESCRIPTION     This method gets the pulse width of the defined measured signal.

PARAMETERS      ================================================================
                pin         |this is the signal pin

RETURN          This method returns the measured pulse width.          
    pin := 0 #> pin <# 31                                                       'limit the pin value
    if servo_en & (1 << pin)                                                    'check if this servo is enabled
        width := servo_pw[noparse][[/noparse]pin]                                                  'get the pulse width
        width := -1                                                             'return error code
DAT '***************************************************************************
                    org     0

'  --------- Debugger Kernel add this at Entry (Addr 0) ---------
   long $34FC1202,$6CE81201,$83C120B,$8BC0E0A,$E87C0E03,$8BC0E0A
   long $EC7C0E05,$A0BC1207,$5C7C0003,$5C7C0003,$7FFC,$7FF8
'  --------------------------------------------------------------

Entry               rdlong  asm_servo_en,   par                                 'get the anabled servos
                    mov     asm_fedge_pold, asm_servo_en                        'all servo pins from the enabled servos are high
                    mov     asm_fedge_t_p,  #asm_fedge_time                     'set the array pointer to the first element (measured time)
                    mov     asm_fedge_p_p,  #asm_fedge_pins                     'set the array pointer to the first element (falling edge pins)
                    mov     asm_fedge_us,   asm_us_1ms                          'initialize the servo pulse width with the minimum of 1000us                                  
'wait for rising edge
WaitREdge           mov     asm_data,       ina                                 'get the input
                    and     asm_data,       asm_servo_en    wz                  'check if there is a rising edge on an enabled servo           
        if_z        jmp     #WaitREdge                                          'no rising edge --> repeat the procedure
                    mov     asm_left_cyc,   asm_clocks_1ms                      'min. time for all negativ edges is 1ms
                    sub     asm_left_cyc,   #48                                 '6 * 4 clock since the rising edge was at the pin
'wait for 1ms                                                          
WaitFor1ms          or      asm_data,       ina                                 'or the input
                    sub     asm_left_cyc,   #16                                 'subtract 12 clocks for this three instructions
                    cmp     asm_left_cyc,   #16             wc                  'check if one ms is achieved          
        if_nc       jmp     #WaitFor1ms
'get the enabled servos with no signal and remove them from the measurement
CheckNoSignal       mov     asm_no_sig_pin, asm_FFFF_FFFF                       'load register for inverting
                    andn    asm_no_sig_pin, asm_data                            'invert the measured input
                    and     asm_no_sig_pin, asm_servo_en                        'get only the bad signals on the enabled pins
                    andn    asm_fedge_pold, asm_no_sig_pin                      'delete servos with no signals
                    nop                                                         'wait 4 clocks
                    nop                                                         'wait 4 clocks
                    mov     asm_data,       asm_FFFF_FFFF                       'initialize the asm_data for ina inverting
'check if theres is a falling edge each microsecond at 80MHz
CheckForFE          andn    asm_data,       ina                                 'read the IO pins inverted
                    and     asm_data,       asm_fedge_pold  wz                  'get all falling edges and check if there are any
        if_nz       movd    PArAdd1,        asm_fedge_p_p                       'set the adress of the current pin status array element
PArAdd1 if_nz       mov     asm_fedge_pins, asm_data                            'spare the pins with a falling edge in the array 
        if_nz       movd    TArAdd1,        asm_fedge_t_p                       'set the adress of the current time array element
TArAdd1 if_nz       mov     asm_fedge_time, asm_fedge_us                        'spare the elapsed time since the positiv edge
        if_nz       andn    asm_fedge_pold, asm_data                            'disable the servos with a falling edge
        if_nz       add     asm_fedge_t_p,  #1                                  'get the next address of the time structure
        if_nz       add     asm_fedge_p_p,  #1                                  'get the next address of the IO state structure
                    nop                                                         'wait 4 clocks
                    nop                                                         'wait 4 clocks
                    nop                                                         'wait 4 clocks
                    nop                                                         'wait 4 clocks
                    nop                                                         'wait 4 clocks
                    nop                                                         'wait 4 clocks
                    nop                                                         'wait 4 clocks
                    mov     asm_data,       asm_FFFF_FFFF                       'initialize the this register for inverted input
                    add     asm_fedge_us,   #1                                  'add one microsecond (80 * (1 / 80_000_000MHz) = 1us)
                    cmp     asm_fedge_us,   asm_us_2ms      wc                  'check if the time is not run out
        if_c        jmp     #CheckForFE                                         'check again for falling edge                                      
'clocks:      80                                                                '80 * (1 / 80000000MHz) = 1us
                    cmp     asm_fedge_pold, #0              wz                  'check if all enabled servos have had an falling edge
        if_nz       movd    PArAdd3,        asm_fedge_p_p                       'set the correct address to the destination field (pin array)
        if_nz       movd    TArAdd3,        asm_fedge_t_p                       'set the correct address to the destination field (time array)
PArAdd3 if_nz       mov     asm_fedge_pins, asm_fedge_pold                      'set the falling edge for the left servos here (in cause of time is run out)
TArAdd3 if_nz       mov     asm_fedge_time, asm_us_2ms                          'set the time for the left servos to the maximum
                    mov     asm_servo,      #0                                  'initialize the actual servo with the LSB
'get the next enabled servo
GetNextEnServo      mov     asm_servo_bit,  #1
                    shl     asm_servo_bit,  asm_servo                           'calculate the bitmask for the actual servo
                    and     asm_servo_bit,  asm_servo_en    nr, wz              'check if on this bit is an enabled servo
        if_nz       call     #GetFEofServo
                    add     asm_servo,      #1                                  'go to the next servo
                    cmp     asm_servo,      #32             wc                  'check if all servos are tested
        if_c        jmp     #GetNextEnServo                                     'not all enabled servos to the hubRAM written
        if_nc       jmp     #Entry                                              'no more enabled servos -> go to the program entry point 
'search the falling edge of the enabled servo
GetFEofServo        mov     asm_fedge_t_p,  #asm_no_sig_time                    'set the array pointer to the no signal time
                    mov     asm_fedge_p_p,  #asm_no_sig_pin                     'set the array pointer to the no signal pins
CheckPin            movs    PArAdd4,        asm_fedge_p_p                       'set the array pointer to the current array element
PArAdd4             and     asm_servo_bit,  asm_fedge_pins  nr, wz              'check if in this element is the falling edge of this servo
        if_z        add     asm_fedge_p_p,  #1                                  'go to the next array element (pin array)
        if_z        add     asm_fedge_t_p,  #1                                  'go to the next array element (time array)
        if_z        jmp     #CheckPin                                           'check the next array element for this servo                                      
'write the pulse length to the hubRAM
WrPWhubRAM          mov     asm_data,       asm_servo                           'address in hubRAM: par + (servonumber + 1) * 4
                    add     asm_data,       #1                                  'add one long for the enabled servos parameters      
                    shl     asm_data,       #2                                  'multiply by 4
                    add     asm_data,       par                                 'add the hubRAM address of the first parameter                                  
                    movd    TArAdd4,        asm_fedge_t_p                       'set the address of the array element
TArAdd4             wrlong  asm_fedge_time, asm_data                            'write the servo width to the hubRAM
GetFEofServo_ret    ret
'initalized data
asm_FFFF_FFFF       long    $FFFF_FFFF                                          'used for inverting and for no signal time (-1)
asm_no_sig_time     long    0 
asm_fedge_time      long    0                                                   'time of falling edge, initialize with zero
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
asm_no_sig_pin      long    0                                                   'servo pins without any signal
asm_fedge_pins      long    0                                                   'pin state at falling edges, initialize with zero
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
                    long    0
asm_clocks_1ms      long    80_000                                              'number of clock cycles in 1ms at 80MHz clock speed
asm_us_1ms          long    1_000                                               '1000 microseconds per millisecond
asm_us_2ms          long    2_000                                               '2000 microseconds in two milliseconds    
'memory reservation for uninitialized data
asm_data            res     1                                                   'data buffer
asm_servo_en        res     1                                                   'enabled servos (enabled bit is high and disabled bit is low)
asm_left_cyc        res     1                                                   'left system clocks
asm_fedge_us        res     1                                                   'number of achieved microseconds
asm_fedge_t_p       res     1                                                   'pointer to a member of the falling edge time array
asm_fedge_p_p       res     1                                                   'pointer to a member of the falling edge pin status
asm_fedge_pold      res     1                                                   'last pin status
asm_servo           res     1                                                   'actual servo (0..31)
asm_servo_bit       res     1                                                   'actual servo's bitmask

I hope anybody can help me.


  • ImmNekImmNek Posts: 29
    edited 2008-11-22 21:56
    Sorry, I didn't show you the "Hardware" object.

    Here I have to code for you:
    FILE            Hardware.spin
    AUTHOR          Immanuel Nekvasil / Manuel Metz
    COMPANY         HCU Engineering Team
    DATE            Monday, 17th November 2008
    VERSION         0.1
    DESCRIPTION     This is object contains al hardware related definitions and
                    method to handle the hardware.
    HISTORY         Monday, 17th November 2008 (by I. Nekvasil):
                    ->  created this file
                    ->  added the method AIL_IN and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method ELE_IN and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method RUD_IN and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method FLP_IN and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method ELE_OUT_1 and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method ELE_OUT_2 and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method AIL_OUT_1 and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method AIL_OUT_2 and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method RUD_OUT_1 and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method RUD_OUT_2 and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method FLP_OUT_1 and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method FLP_OUT_2 and it's documentation
                    Saturday, 22nd November 2008 (by I. Nekvasil):
                    ->  added the method THRUST_IN and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method ADJUST_1_IN and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method ADJUST_2_IN and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method ADJUST_3_IN and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method LED_1_OUT and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method LED_2_OUT and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method SPI_CLK_INOUT and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method SPI_DOUT_OUT and it's documentation
                    ->  added the method GYRO_RST_OUT and it's documentation
    CON '***************************************************************************
        'servo input signals
        AIL_IN_PIN          = 27                                                    'aileron input servo signal
        ELE_IN_PIN          = 26                                                    'elevator input servo signal
        RUD_IN_PIN          = 25                                                    'rudder input servo signal
        FLP_IN_PIN          = 24                                                    'flaps input servo signal   
        'servo output signals
        ELE_1_OUT_PIN       = 0                                                     'elevator 1 output signal
        ELE_2_OUT_PIN       = 1                                                     'elevator 2 output signal
        AIL_1_OUT_PIN       = 2                                                     'aileron 1 output signal
        AIL_2_OUT_PIN       = 3                                                     'aileron 2 output signal
        RUD_1_OUT_PIN       = 4                                                     'rudder 1 output signal
        RUD_2_OUT_PIN       = 5                                                     'rudder 2 output signal
        FLP_1_OUT_PIN       = 6                                                     'flaps 1 output signal
        FLP_2_OUT_PIN       = 7                                                     'flaps 2 output signal
        'other input signals from the remote control
        THRUST_IN_PIN       = 23                                                    'thrust signal from the remote control
        ADJUST_1_IN_PIN     = 22                                                    'adjust signal 1 from the remote control
        ADJUST_2_IN_PIN     = 21                                                    'adjust signal 2 from the remote control
        ADJUST_3_IN_PIN     = 20                                                    'adjust signal 3 from the remote control
        'LEDs (active high)                                                          
        LED_1_OUT_PIN       = 13                                                    'LED 1
        LED_2_OUT_PIN       = 12                                                    'LED 2
        'Serial Peripheral Interface
        SPI_CLK_INOUT_PIN   = 11                                                    'clock
        SPI_DIN_IN_PIN      = 10                                                    'digital input
        SPI_DOUT_OUT_PIN    = 8                                                     'digital output
        'GYRO-sensor pins
        GYRO_RST_OUT_PIN    = 9                                                     'GYRO reset pin (active low)  
    PUB AIL_IN : pin '**************************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the input signal for the
                    aileron. This is a servo signal. 
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the aileron input signal.         
        pin := AIL_IN_PIN
    PUB ELE_IN : pin '**************************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the input signal for the
                    elevator. This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the elevator input signal.         
        pin := ELE_IN_PIN
    PUB RUD_IN : pin '**************************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the input signal for the
                    rudder. This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the rudder input signal.         
        pin := RUD_IN_PIN
    PUB FLP_IN : pin '**************************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the input signal for the
                    flap. This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the flap input signal.         
        pin := FLP_IN_PIN
    PUB ELE_1_OUT : pin '***********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the output signal for the
                    elevator 1. This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the elevator 1 output signal.         
        pin := ELE_1_OUT_PIN
    PUB ELE_2_OUT : pin '***********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the output signal for the
                    elevator 2. This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the elevator 2 output signal.         
        pin := ELE_2_OUT_PIN
    PUB AIL_1_OUT : pin '***********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the output signal for the
                    aileron 1. This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the aileron 1 output signal.         
        pin := AIL_1_OUT_PIN
    PUB AIL_2_OUT : pin '***********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the output signal for the
                    aileron 2. This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the aileron 2 output signal.         
        pin := AIL_2_OUT_PIN
    PUB RUD_1_OUT : pin '***********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the output signal for the
                    rudder 1. This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the rudder 1 output signal.         
        pin := RUD_1_OUT_PIN
    PUB RUD_2_OUT : pin '***********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the output signal for the
                    rudder 2. This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the rudder 2 output signal.         
        pin := RUD_2_OUT_PIN
    PUB FLP_1_OUT : pin '***********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the output signal for the
                    flap 1. This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the flap 1 output signal.         
        pin := FLP_1_OUT_PIN
    PUB FLP_2_OUT : pin '***********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the output signal for the
                    flap 2. This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the flap 2 output signal.         
        pin := FLP_2_OUT_PIN
    PUB THRUST_IN : pin '***********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the input signal thrust.
                    This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the thrust input signal.         
        pin := THRUST_IN_PIN
    PUB ADJUST_1_IN : pin '*********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the input signal adjust 1.
                    This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the adjust 1 input signal.         
        pin := ADJUST_1_IN_PIN
    PUB ADJUST_2_IN : pin '*********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the input signal adjust 2.
                    This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the adjust 2 input signal.         
        pin := ADJUST_2_IN_PIN
    PUB ADJUST_3_IN : pin '*********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the input signal adjust 3.
                    This is a servo signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the adjust 3 input signal.         
        pin := ADJUST_3_IN_PIN
    PUB LED_1_OUT : pin '***********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the output signal LED 1.
                    The LED is active high.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the LED 1 output signal.         
        pin := LED_1_OUT
    PUB LED_2_OUT : pin '***********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the output signal LED 2.
                    The LED is active high.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the LED 2 output signal.         
        pin := LED_1_OUT
    PUB SPI_CLK_INOUT : pin '*******************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the SPI clock signal.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the SPI clock signal.         
        pin := SPI_CLK_INOUT_PIN
    PUB SPI_DIN_IN : pin '**********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the SPI digital input
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the SPI digital input signal.         
        pin := SPI_DIN_IN_PIN
    PUB SPI_DOUT_OUT : pin '********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the SPI digital output
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the SPI digital output signal.         
        pin := SPI_DOUT_OUT_PIN
    PUB GYRO_RST_OUT : pin '********************************************************
    DESCRIPTION     This method returns the pin number of the reset signal for the
                    GYRO, which is active low.
    PARAMETERS      void
    RETURN          Pin of the GYRO reset signal.         
        pin := GYRO_RST_OUT_PIN

    This is the code, but I don't think, that this file is the reason for this effect.

    Greats from Switzerland,

    Post Edited (ImmNek) : 11/24/2008 7:49:04 AM GMT
  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,687
    edited 2008-11-23 00:30

    Without the "Hardware" object the compiler fails, and PASD can not show the cog ram and varibales.
    If I eliminate the "Hardware" object and the according Spin lines, all seams to be OK in PASD.

  • ImmNekImmNek Posts: 29
    edited 2008-11-24 08:03
    Sorry, now I posted the Hardware object for you.

    I will send you a screenshot this evening.

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