Single-Chip Solution??
I am new to the BS. I currently have BS Rev D (1993 ) ·board that I'm playing with. It is a neat system and an easy way to learn MCU programming. The BS is ideal for most of my apps as·I usually don't need a lot of extra I/O. I would like to use this chip in more of my applications; however the problem that I have with it is that it is a two-chip solution since it does not have on-chip flash memory. I would like to be able to program the mcu and just plug it in my application. Is there such a Parallax solution?
I know of no way that the EEPROM can be eliminated from any Parallax PBASIC STAMP configuration. It's inherent in the system design that a EEPROM be there. I suppose some future product might have on-board flash memory, but not at the present time.
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
However, the BS2 DOES come in a single 24-pin wide-DIP form-factor, is that good enough?\
Having said that, check out the SX48 family -- Parallax sells that, and that IS a "one-chip" processor with on-chip flash memory. You'll still have to add an oscillator, though. Or, just buy the $10 SX48 board. You'll need the $100 development system to prototype with, though.
The sx does have an internal clock, if you don't need accurate clock, or above 4mhz speed. You do need accurate clock to deal with serial comms. It also has built in brown out detection.
I have an application right now where·all I would need to do is drop in the BS, but·now I have to consider the EEPROM. As designs are getting more compact, board space and power are becoming a premium. This is common practice, so Parallax must have a reason for not doing this. But it would be nice, and might open the BS to more applications. It should not be hard to modify the current programming and SW. But, I could be wrong. Perhaps it's in the·works. Just saying it out loud...
Similarly, the Propeller requires the use of an external EEPROM. In this case, there's masked ROM on-chip that holds the bootloader and Spin interpreter along with some useful data (display fonts and transcendental tables). The processor chip is made using a manufacturing process that doesn't allow the use of flash memory, so that's simply not available.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 11/23/2008 5:51:33 AM GMT
But, personally, I would like to have the memory on chip for my applications. I understand that the BS has on-chip EEPROM, but as you say it's for the interpreter, and I think it's OTP.
Let's take an application·like a keyfob for a simple car alarm; you wouldn't want to have to put down the extra external memory because of space and extra power requirement. The other Parallax solutions might solve this, but the extra unused features and I/O·might be overkill.
BTW, why couldn't the interpreter be part of the SW. Also, don't some MCU let you section the flash into a boot section and a program memory section? Don't recall if the PICs do that - it's been a while.
Anyway, I really like the BS. I guess I'm just looking for my ideal, simple MCU solution.
Have you looked at all the BS-1 solutions? Here is the BS-1 solution that I would probably use, in the OEM configuration:,ProductName
I'm not sure how you can beat that for ease of programming, size, cost, weight, and reliability. Can you imagine in your wildest dreams that every Motorola, Microchip, or Zilog microcontroller that goes out the door is FULLY TESTED? Every Parallax product IS! Beat that for reliability, if you can!
BTW - When you put interpreter code in software, is is easily subject to tampering, or theft. Parallax values its proprietary systems, and thus puts the code in protected areas. In this day and age mere encryption is hardly enough.
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Technical questions should probably be referred to Parallax Technical Support at their toll free number. You can find that on the Parallax web site.
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
Post Edited (Bruce Bates) : 11/23/2008 10:25:51 AM GMT