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Using LCD for debugging? — Parallax Forums

Using LCD for debugging?

po2lepo2le Posts: 76
edited 2008-11-20 16:59 in BASIC Stamp
Is it possible to use a 16 x 2 LCD to debug code and data·on my BS2?·
I have a parallel 16 x 2 LCD, and have found code and information for connecing to a BS2,· but code only shows how to test out the LCD.· I'd like to use it to debug, if that's possible.



  • sylvie369sylvie369 Posts: 1,622
    edited 2008-11-20 16:41
    You can certainly print out the values of your variables onto the LCD screen, so if that's what you mean by "debug", the answer is "yes". It's quite a bit harder to use a parallel LCD than a serial one, but quite possible. This document will show you how:
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-11-20 16:59
    You may be wondering whether you can use the same techniques (like the DEBUG statement) you're familiar with to debug with the parallel LCD. Unfortunately, you can't. The convenient built-in statements like DEBUG and SEROUT only work with a serial LCD. If you change to a BS2p/pe/px Stamp, there are very nice built-in parallel LCD output statements that make it very convenient to debug using a parallel 16 x 2 LCD, but these don't exist on the BS2 and everything has to be done by subroutine calls.
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