MC14489 7 segment display with multiple segments
In the stampworks experiment book, there is an example (#31) showing how to hook up all 5 of the 7 segment displays on the PDB. I've duplicated the circuit using the MC14489 multiplexer. The code for this example is written in pbasic and I was wanting to write the code using java and the javelin stamp. Everything is coming together smoothly, however, the MC14489 requires a shiftOut to it of 24 bits. From what I've seen the java command for shiftOut can only send 16 bits. Is there a way to send 24 bits with the shiftOut command? Can I do it in too shiftOut commands? (each of 12 bits) Or if not, how can I duplicate this example using the javelin stamp.
Just remember that if you use MSBFIRST, that you must leftshift the data
so the first bit to send is in bit position 15.
regards peter
Here's my code:
Where seg0-seg4 are the segments on the display.
config is 8 bits that control which segments are on and whether they're using special hex codes.
Thanks for the help.