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changed from bs2e to bs2p, now I2C doesn't work! — Parallax Forums

changed from bs2e to bs2p, now I2C doesn't work!

electricbrewerelectricbrewer Posts: 2
edited 2008-11-21 01:19 in BASIC Stamp
Hi, new guy here....

I'm having trouble with my I2C and DS1621 interface...

I was able to implement the nuts and volts DS1621 code for I2C on my basic stamp 2e, with 3 temp sensors running perfectly. I started to run out of program space so I figure that purchasing the 2p-24 stamp would eliminate all the extra code needed for the DS1621. I adjusted the code into this:

SDA PIN 8 ' SDA on 0; SCL on 1

[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]

DevType CON %1001 << 4 ' Device type
DevAddr CON %111 << 1 ' address = %000 -> %111
Wr1621 CON DevType | DevAddr ' write to DS1621
Rd1621 CON Wr1621 | 1 ' read from DS1621
RdTemp CON $AA ' read temperature
RdCntr CON $A8 ' read counter
RdSlope CON $A9 ' read slope
StartC CON $EE ' start conversion
StopC CON $22 ' stop conversion
AccTH CON $A1 ' access high temp limit
AccTL CON $A2 ' access low temp limit
AccCfg CON $AC ' access config register
TempHi CON 25 ' 26C = ~77F
TempLo CON 22 ' 21C = ~72F
DegSym CON 176 ' degrees symbol

[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
tempIn VAR Word ' raw temp from DS1621
sign VAR tempIn.BIT8 ' - sign (after alignment)
halfC VAR tempIn.BIT0 ' half-degree C bit
tempC VAR Word ' temp in Celsius
tempF VAR Word ' temp in Fahrenheit
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]
I2COUT SDA, Wr1621, [noparse][[/noparse]AccCfg, %1010] ' set TOut = active high
PAUSE 1000 ' allow EE write
I2COUT SDA, Wr1621, [noparse][[/noparse]StartC] ' start continuous
PAUSE 1000

I2COUT SDA, Wr1621, [noparse][[/noparse]AccTH, TempHi] ' set high threshold
PAUSE 1000
I2COUT SDA, Wr1621, [noparse][[/noparse]AccTL, TempLo] ' set low threshold
PAUSE 1000

"DS1621 Demo", CR,
", CR,
DegSym, "C... ", CR,
DegSym, "F... "
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]

PAUSE 1000 ' delay between reads
GOSUB Get_Temp ' get current temperature
DEBUG CRSRXY, 6, 2, SDEC tempC, CLREOL, ' display
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]

I2COUT SDA, Wr1621, [noparse][[/noparse]RdTemp]
I2CIN SDA, Rd1621, [noparse][[/noparse]tempIn.HIGHBYTE, tempIn.LOWBYTE]
tempIn = tempIn >> 7 ' correct bit alignment
' Celsius
tempC = (tempIn / 2) | ($FF00 * sign)
' Fahrenheit
tempF = (tempIn | ($FF00 * sign)) + 110
tempF = tempF * 9 / 10 - 67 ' convert to F

Now all I get is the Debug window showing up the two same numbers -1, and 30 after Celsius a Fahrenheit. Even when I unplug the temperature sensors completely and let the code run, it just does the same thing, whereas before if I didn't address the correct sensor right it wouldn't work.

Anyone have a clue why this would occur???

I really appreciate your help in saving a senior design student!!



  • electricbrewerelectricbrewer Posts: 2
    edited 2008-11-20 04:12
    Well apparently I found my own solution eventually... I appears that I may have a model older than 2002 in which the I2C commands didn't implement the clock line bus hold.

  • Carl HayesCarl Hayes Posts: 841
    edited 2008-11-21 01:19
    Also your code says SDA is on 8, but your comment says it's on 0. Either is OK, but if you try it both ways they get jealous.

    · -- Carl, nn5i
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