Push button car starter RFID
Ok guys and girls.· This is my first real project with the stamp.· Its a bit over my head but what the heck.
So what i want to do is all the new cars these days use RFID and push button start for there cars.· No keys needed.· So i was plaining on coverting my 05 nissan patherfinder to this.· This is my thought so far. Also for the test on the bench i will be using leds instead of the acutal car.
Pin1= the input check if the rfid is in the car.· Basicly the rfid moduale would just swith 12 hi to that pin.
PIN2= Brake.· This pin will check ot see if the brake pedal is pused.· 12v Hi
Pin3= The button to start the car. would apply 12v HI once pushed
Pin4= Acceries Example to turn on radio LED YELLOW
Pin5= Igniton LED Green
Pin6= Starter.· This pin would stay on for a set amount of time. LED RED
So IF PIN1,PIN2 are high and i hit the button (pin3)·i would then turn all three outpins on(pin4-6)
If PIN1 is high and i hit the button it should turn on only PIN4.
If PIN1 is high and PIN4 is on and i hit the button again PIN5 should turn on and PIN4 Should stay on.
If i hit it a third time and PIN1 is high and PIN4-5 are on it should then turn PIN(4-6) off.· Example of shutting the car off.
I know kinda complicated i think.· Please let me kknow if you need clairfaction.
Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 11/19/2008 5:34:31 PM GMT
So what i want to do is all the new cars these days use RFID and push button start for there cars.· No keys needed.· So i was plaining on coverting my 05 nissan patherfinder to this.· This is my thought so far. Also for the test on the bench i will be using leds instead of the acutal car.
Pin1= the input check if the rfid is in the car.· Basicly the rfid moduale would just swith 12 hi to that pin.
PIN2= Brake.· This pin will check ot see if the brake pedal is pused.· 12v Hi
Pin3= The button to start the car. would apply 12v HI once pushed
Pin4= Acceries Example to turn on radio LED YELLOW
Pin5= Igniton LED Green
Pin6= Starter.· This pin would stay on for a set amount of time. LED RED
So IF PIN1,PIN2 are high and i hit the button (pin3)·i would then turn all three outpins on(pin4-6)
If PIN1 is high and i hit the button it should turn on only PIN4.
If PIN1 is high and PIN4 is on and i hit the button again PIN5 should turn on and PIN4 Should stay on.
If i hit it a third time and PIN1 is high and PIN4-5 are on it should then turn PIN(4-6) off.· Example of shutting the car off.
I know kinda complicated i think.· Please let me kknow if you need clairfaction.
Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 11/19/2008 5:34:31 PM GMT
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·
you may find you need to somehow disable your key colum lock so you can change gears and turn your wheel, i sugest using some type of mechanical interlock with a solenoid so if you kept this in your car and agian your bs2 were to fail, you wouldnt loose power and steering driving 55 down the road.