SPI mode on Memory Stick Datalogger
Hi, I was told by a fellow at Tech Support that someone here on the forum has successfully interfaced the Memory Stick Datalogger to a BASIC Stamp using SPI mode instead of UART mode.· I'd like to get some tips on how this is done.· I've already got very crude comms working in SPI mode, but I haven't quite figured out the timing of the various messages put out by the Datalogger when it powers up, with or without a flash drive plugged in.· I've been searching the forum for such info, but I've been getting no hits that have been useful.
Thomas Rackers
Manassas, VA
Post Edited (TWRackers) : 11/17/2008 7:18:09 PM GMT
Thomas Rackers
Manassas, VA
Post Edited (TWRackers) : 11/17/2008 7:18:09 PM GMT
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·
Is it possible the Datalogger is preventing the program from starting up?· If I load a different program (specifically the RUN1/RUN2 demo for the BS2sx), I don't see this behavior, the program starts right up upon power-up.
UPDATE: Okay, if I end my test program with a STOP instead of an END, it starts up every time upon power-up.· Still don't understand though why an END would prevent the program from starting back up after cycling power.
Thomas Rackers
Manassas, VA
Post Edited (TWRackers) : 11/18/2008 4:50:52 AM GMT
Please ATTACH a copy of your program so that we can take a look at it. We're in the dark as it is now.
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.