Stamp and 433MHz Wireless Tx/Rx
I have built a small sample device comprising of two basic stamp 1 USB modules, one unit a 433MHz wireless Tx and one unit with a Rx.
The idea is when the button on device A is pressed (and for as long as it is held down) the corresponding LED on device B should be lit, it has 4 buttons, and 4 corresponding LED's...
the program on the transmitter transmits the LEDs as 0000 for all low, 1111 for all high etc...
if i have the Tx unit on, and working, and i turn on the Rx unit, sometimes it wont "sync" with the Tx unit and the LEDs will not light, but if i switch it off and back on again it will there any way that i can guarantee that it is syncing or cause the Rx module to try and sync again if it doesn't receive anything for x number of seconds etc?
I have built a small sample device comprising of two basic stamp 1 USB modules, one unit a 433MHz wireless Tx and one unit with a Rx.
The idea is when the button on device A is pressed (and for as long as it is held down) the corresponding LED on device B should be lit, it has 4 buttons, and 4 corresponding LED's...
the program on the transmitter transmits the LEDs as 0000 for all low, 1111 for all high etc...
if i have the Tx unit on, and working, and i turn on the Rx unit, sometimes it wont "sync" with the Tx unit and the LEDs will not light, but if i switch it off and back on again it will there any way that i can guarantee that it is syncing or cause the Rx module to try and sync again if it doesn't receive anything for x number of seconds etc?

Its the only way anyone can help you.
Tom Sisk
Have you established communication between the two BS1 and 433MHz modules prior to this project? For example; demo communication from BS1 to BS1 before the addition of other buttons and LEDs.
Joshua Donelson