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play music on my basic stamp — Parallax Forums

play music on my basic stamp

Cathy HCathy H Posts: 2
edited 2008-11-15 06:41 in BASIC Stamp
turn.gif·HELP! I have trying to locate the codes and schematic to play music on my basic stamp. I have probably been looking in the wrong places but I want to know it for all the notes. I'm not sure which song I want to play for my class project. I have to go for something inexpensive. If any one can help, I'd greatly appreciate it.· Thanks, Cathy H

Post Edited By Moderator (Joshua Donelson (Parallax)) : 10/23/2009 4:09:41 AM GMT


  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2008-11-15 04:44
    Look in "What's a microcontroller", available for download from the parallax website. There is a chapter in there about making sounds with the piezo speaker.
  • Cathy HCathy H Posts: 2
    edited 2008-11-15 04:57
    I know that there is a chapter in the Microcontroller book, but I want to make the notes for a Christmas song. I need to know how to set up each note. Some one told me that I could go online and find a website for the notes but I have been unable to locate one. Cathy
  • MikerocontrollerMikerocontroller Posts: 310
    edited 2008-11-15 05:44
    Hint: the book shows a program that plays Nokia ringtones. They are all over the web.
  • $WMc%$WMc% Posts: 1,884
    edited 2008-11-15 06:11
    Cathy H

    Take A look in the "STAMPWORKS" manule Pg. 109 to Pg.118.... It's A good read,,,Also on Pg.117,,The use of the Parallax Oscilloscope...
    The "STAMPWORKS" manule can be found @ the Parallax web site.. ...Its in Books or under BS2

    IF You can't find it ,Drop A post reply to this thread, or A P.M, And I'll find the link,And send it to You..............

  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2008-11-15 06:41
    Don't forget to add a subject line to your message. Click the edit icon in your first post.
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