Keyboard Help
I have been trying to hook up my basic stamp to a PS/2 keyboard, and I've had no luck. I didn't figure it would be too complicated, but apparently it is. If someone could tell me how it would be amazing!
Multilabs has a PS/2 keyboard interface ( and another one for a mouse as well.
If Your lookin for an easy way to hookup a PC/AT keyboard to a $STAMP w/ lil. programing and lil. Agravtion, Then Please Close this Thread and forget You ever saw it.
However,If Your up for a Challenge, The " MEMKey " is for You...In FACT the MEMKey is the easiest part of the PC/AT keyboard setup...It makes the hardware A snap!!!...It's useing the input from the MEMKey/PC/AT keyboard that will be the Challenge
Thank You for the info about this
You can't do it without quite a bit of external hardware because the keyboard has to supply the clock for the data and the Stamp is not fast enough to handle the clock programmatically and there are no built-in statements to do it for you. There are some inexpensive PS/2 keyboard interfaces that take care of the details for you and look like a standard asynchronous serial port to the Stamp which can be handled with the SERIN statement.
Multilabs has a PS/2 keyboard interface ( and another one for a mouse as well.
This will help alot
··Thanks for any·
·Your both right on this..I did some EXP. w/ the MEMKey ,A·BS2p40 and·What I remembered·as A PC/AT keyboard. A few years ago.I think back now and realized I used the keyboard from·My HYDRA and not A·Reg. PC/AT keyboard. I also used a Mod.Drop for the clock this is more hardware and Progra...Adding to the·Complexity...Useing something Diff. would better.........
___Thanks for catchin My bad Idea___________________$WMc%____________
resonator, is to use a PAK-VI coprocessor from
AWC. I got mine from Parallax but AWC is the
only active source that I know about.
The AWC link.
"With the new PAK-VIa Keyboard Coprocessor,
you can connect a standard PS/2 keyboard (or
other PS/2 device) to practically any microcontroller."
Description in a book.
Here's the data sheet.
Post Edited (humanoido) : 11/18/2008 6:20:21 AM GMT
thanks for the help though
Care to share the secret? A link would be fine.
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.