Hello everyone,
i'm currently taking an electronics course at a tech school.· I was asked today to think of a project i could have done by christmas break and i am clueless!· It has to use the Basic Stamp II, and we have to write our own code.· Any Ideas??
i'm currently taking an electronics course at a tech school.· I was asked today to think of a project i could have done by christmas break and i am clueless!· It has to use the Basic Stamp II, and we have to write our own code.· Any Ideas??
One of my personal favorites is interfacing with a hand-held TV-remote, set to the Sony or Phillips protocols. This is nice, because once you have that, you can "drive" the BOE-Bot around with the remote in your hand. But 4 weeks of school-nights is not realistic for that.
What is your BS2 sitting on? Is the Homework Board? Is it the Board-Of-Education (BOE)? Is it a home-made board? What additional parts do you have on hand? A CdS cell based sun-tracker or sun-monitor can be a nice project.
Sense switch touches and display a separate LED for each switch.
Make some LEDs flash in a pattern.
Set up three or more switches. Each one pressed makes a different sound. Play simple music.
Play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" or other simple song on the speaker
Make a 3-person "game buzzer" where only the first one to push their button has a light go on, and the others are blocked out.
Set up IR sensors to detect obstacles. (Then have IR report the distance to the obstacle.)
Install two servos on a base and have the robot move around.
Buy the BOE-Bot and follow the examples in the robot book. (Not really hard, but you need to spend some $$$ and take some more time.)
Line-following robot (Do a search on YouTube to see many examples)
Maze-solving robot, like:My Line Maze Robot
Line Maze, First Run
Richard Vannoy
Programming and Electronics Instructor
Also, the board i am dealing with is the homework board.