Quick LCD help CLS not working
my LCD will not clear the screen I have to kill power to it to clear it
I'm using the proper command used in the test program made by parallax
its a 2x16 parallax serial LCD REV.E
another thing, I have to place leading 'spaces' to get my display to write to the first column; even thopught I put code in to clear it and place the cursor at line1 column 0
any help is much appreciated
I'm using the proper command used in the test program made by parallax
its a 2x16 parallax serial LCD REV.E
another thing, I have to place leading 'spaces' to get my display to write to the first column; even thopught I put code in to clear it and place the cursor at line1 column 0
any help is much appreciated
ie if turning of the LCD back light is ASCII $11 then
whenever I type LCDBKon then the stamp 'sees' $11
I see that there·is an·example using a matrix, toward the end of SEROUT in PBASIC Help, but I didn't see any examples using VARs/CONs in the 27976 sample.