BS2 Stamp Code
I still am trying to get both IR headlights and QTI sensors to work together. I have an updated code that I will attach. I have no experience with programming so I am having a hard time understanding how to write the code. I have tried·a dozen ways. Could someone please look at this code and give me details of how I could arrange this to work. It will follow the line but I want the headlights to work at the same time. Thanks
Check IR
Check Line
Decide what to do
Do it
GOTO main
This is an implicit loop, and does all the primary functions in order. Take a look at the books "What's a Microcontroller", "Robotics with the BoeBot", and "Basic Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual" for general programming principles. They are all available for free download from Parallax.
"Main" and let one of the cases have a GOSUB routine to call up the IR sensors? Just an idea. ·