Say I was making a remote weather station. If i had my sensors taking data every minute, how would i go about storing this information, and getting it from the robot.
First figure out how much data you need to record and how long you want to record it before dumping it somewhere.
The BS2pe has 32K bytes of memory of which most is available for datalogging. You can always add more EEPROMs for data storage.
There are some with 128K bytes that are easy to use with a BS2pe and you can add up to 4 of these to a pair of I/O pins (P0/P1 or P8/P9).
You can also use a Parallax Memory Stick Datalogger which can use a USB Memory Stick up to 2GB. Hitt Consulting has an SD card based
datalogger that's easy to use and uses less power than the Memory Stick Datalogger and can handle up to 32MB if I remember correctly.
How to get it from the remote station depends on what's available and convenient. You can use a modem if you have a telephone line
available. You could use a PINK to send the data to a PC over the internet if there's a wired internet connection available. You can buy
various wireless links, anything from a WiFi interface to Bluetooth or xBee or a UHF wireless receiver/transmitter pair.
If you use a large enough datalogger, you can wait until you can visit your weather station and swap out one memory stick or SD card for
another, then take the full one back for analysis on a PC.
The BS2pe has 32K bytes of memory of which most is available for datalogging. You can always add more EEPROMs for data storage.
There are some with 128K bytes that are easy to use with a BS2pe and you can add up to 4 of these to a pair of I/O pins (P0/P1 or P8/P9).
You can also use a Parallax Memory Stick Datalogger which can use a USB Memory Stick up to 2GB. Hitt Consulting has an SD card based
datalogger that's easy to use and uses less power than the Memory Stick Datalogger and can handle up to 32MB if I remember correctly.
How to get it from the remote station depends on what's available and convenient. You can use a modem if you have a telephone line
available. You could use a PINK to send the data to a PC over the internet if there's a wired internet connection available. You can buy
various wireless links, anything from a WiFi interface to Bluetooth or xBee or a UHF wireless receiver/transmitter pair.
If you use a large enough datalogger, you can wait until you can visit your weather station and swap out one memory stick or SD card for
another, then take the full one back for analysis on a PC.