I need to turn on and off a light. But there is electronic noise.
I need to turn on and off a 110 volts light every 25.5 seconds.
It is very easy.
I need to use only one pin of a Basic Stamp 2 ( BS2-IC)
and of course I will add a solid state relay.
But there is a lot of electronic noise, because there are refrigerators,
TV sets, bar code machines, motors, etc.
My questions are :
1-- Is the Basic Stamps are enough for
this kind of industrial application.
2--- In other words. Do you know if a PLC is a better
choice when there is a lot of electronic noise?
Please, do you have some documents about this kind of problems?
Thanks, Joe
I need to turn on and off a 110 volts light every 25.5 seconds.
It is very easy.
I need to use only one pin of a Basic Stamp 2 ( BS2-IC)
and of course I will add a solid state relay.
But there is a lot of electronic noise, because there are refrigerators,
TV sets, bar code machines, motors, etc.
My questions are :
1-- Is the Basic Stamps are enough for
this kind of industrial application.
2--- In other words. Do you know if a PLC is a better
choice when there is a lot of electronic noise?
Please, do you have some documents about this kind of problems?
Thanks, Joe
plcs are specificaly designed with industry in mind they are in plenty cases even waterproof (but that cost extra)
they will take the noise no problem
Parallax posesses power beyond belief.
Believe in it.
So, Basic Stamps are not for industrial purpose?
Are Parallax Basic Stamps for hobby more than industry purpose ?
Please, let me now because it is important to understand.
Thanks again, Joe
The Basic Stamps can be used in industrial applications; it is industrial rated for that reason. However if you do not have something to protect against EMI then you will inherently have issues with any circuitry. Something to look at would be to see what other circuits are in the area; even though there might be EMI it is possible there isn't enough to create an issue with the Basic Stamp. Also are you going to have wires extending through the EMI? How much EMI is in the area that you wanted to use the Basic Stamp?
We use the Basic Stamp in educational and hobbyist because it is so easy to use, and rather than using a low level language for projects we offer a high level operation with the Basic Stamp.
So in short, the BS2 could be used in an industrial, hobby, education, or anyone who wants an easy to use microcontroller that is robust.
I hope this clarifies some for you.
Joshua Donelson
The Basic Stamp is basically an industrial-grade microcomputer with some added microcode (the interpreter) that makes it easy to use. Being easy to use is wonderful, not only for the hobbyist but also for the experienced engineer working on professional assignments.
As a pro, I would not hesitate to use a Basic Stamp in any industrial or non-industrial environment. If you're going to build a million of something, you would not use a Basic Stamp, because it is more expensive, and it would be worth the added development cost to use a harder-to-use but cheaper microprocessor. But if you're only building one or two, it is easy to justify the higher unit cost of the Basic Stamp when it's going to save you hundreds of dollars, perhaps thousands of dollars, maybe even hundreds of thousands, in the development stage. Personnel costs for engineering are very high.
I think the Basic Stamp is just right for you. Get a Prop-2 controller from Parallax EFX. It has a BS2 built in, and also has relay drivers that can control as many as 16 inexpensive relays such as Mouser's part number 893-852W1AFC112VDC, which has a 12-volt coil and can switch up to 25 amperes of AC. The relay costs $3.16. One Prop-2, and one relay per lamp, and a 12v power supply of some kind, and you're in business.
· -- Carl, nn5i
Joshua Donelson
Back in the day some dudes that worked for the phone Co. invented the Transistor.Do You feel the only App. for the transistor is in A Telephone????
I don't consider TV-sets,Refg. and the lil. Elc. motors they use to be Industrial, More like Residental / lite Commercial....1200Hp Elc.Boiler Feed Water Pumps, 40kv Elctrostatic Perciep.,A few 500Hp Var.Freq.Drives w/ Regenarators,,,Now where making some "Elc." Racket...
The $stamp would be the CPU or MPU for A PLC that You would Engineer...Since You stated You only needed 1 I/O pin,,This is a pretty simple PLC...I could Engineer and industry Aproved PLC in less time then it took Me to answer this Thread w/ the BS2$ and 1 I/O,,And I'm Talking ASTM/ASM w/ a NEMA 1 rated Encloser,,$500 @ the most/Plus INSTALL......
It's Your Engineering Ability THAT determines It's Appl.
i am not sure of the part numbers for thetransistor and the diode they all seem the same to me until i look at a data sheet
but any how the schematic is correct and the diode must be oriented the way it is to save your stamp
without the diode a kickback from the electromagnetic field collapsing with make your stamp act funny and require you to reset it
the resitor coming off the base of the diode is an extra safety feature that fixed the bugs when i tried it the pin from the stamp connwcts to this resistor i forget whether it is supposed to be set high or low one works the other does nothing
this schematic does not work on the usb stamp
the one that hangs from the usb port and is power via the serial bus
i dont know why but it just doesnt
i have tried and tested this schematic with my BOE
have fun
Parallax posesses power beyond belief.
Believe in it.
Post Edited (Lab Rat) : 11/13/2008 2:36:13 AM GMT
Thanks , the replays are usefull.
But , then, if add a good enclosure and a good power
supply I will have a robust device like a PLC ?
Please, help.
Thanks, Joe
I asume Your ref. to a PLC is w/ "Process"???,,,Like An A/B Slic 5 or 500 etc...If this is the rite Thinking "Process",Then the "Robust" will again be Your Abililty to interface the $Stamp w/ it's outside enviroment.
In Your first post thread You spoke of "OPTO-ISO",This and some added "Idiot" proofing "will make the "Robust" part happen,,This is all in the hardware "like an OPTO22 or a relay" ,etc.
In Process controller's ,most of the "Field control loops" are 120Vac,,And are simply ON/OFF. From thier is "Analog and Digi.",It is'nt real hard to make a I/O card for the $Stamp to control
_____Yes,__And thats My final answer____________________________________$WMc%________________