Fly-by-wire gas pedal
I have a tug that is used in off-the-road applications.· It has a "K" car carbed engine.· I'm looking at making a fly-by-wire gas pedal for it.· The tug is used so frequently that I've had continued problems with the linkage between the existing pedal and the carb.· The electronics would solve my problem.· This project is in the planning stages.· So far, I'm thinking of using the stamp and a pot for the brains and a hobby servo for the actuator.· I'll also add an e-stop for those "just in case" voices in my head.· I'm just a novice at the stamp so I'm looking for some advice from the more experienced.· Any thoughts or similar projects?
· -- Carl, nn5i
Parallax posesses power beyond belief.
Believe in it.
Also, you might want to get rid of the "cheap" part in your servo. You don't want it to get stuck at full on... Rather, reliable is the best option.
·"If you build it, they will come."
· -- Carl, nn5i