I was just wondering if someone can direct me in the right direction.·I want to hook up three stand of different color christmas lights to·a bs2.· I'm not for sure how to hook it up.
There is also a board that is very simple to use with 120V lights. It is the FC-4 Lamp Fader Control Board. This allows you to have control over fade-in, fade-out and a lot of other simple to use commands that are sent by the BS2 serially. The supporting documentation is easy to follow as well. Either board would work, but the FC-4 board give a few extra functions.
i have something tha i have used
it involves an npn resistor a diode a resistor a relay and a 12 volt power source
the npn controls the negative side of the relay put a resistor of i think 470 ohms between the base of the transistor and the input of the stamp
be very careful not to touch the wire that is connected to the input to the casing of the transistor i burned out a stamp pin this way once
the diode goes across the leads of the relay to prevent kickback
the anode is connected to the negative and the cathode is connected positive
i have personal used this to work with a 110 ac volt
this will work for one strand to run three strands make three of these
Parallax posesses power beyond belief.
There is also a board that is very simple to use with 120V lights. It is the FC-4 Lamp Fader Control Board. This allows you to have control over fade-in, fade-out and a lot of other simple to use commands that are sent by the BS2 serially. The supporting documentation is easy to follow as well. Either board would work, but the FC-4 board give a few extra functions.
EFX-TEK [noparse][[/noparse] fc-4 ]:
Joshua Donelson
it involves an npn resistor a diode a resistor a relay and a 12 volt power source
the npn controls the negative side of the relay put a resistor of i think 470 ohms between the base of the transistor and the input of the stamp
be very careful not to touch the wire that is connected to the input to the casing of the transistor i burned out a stamp pin this way once
the diode goes across the leads of the relay to prevent kickback
the anode is connected to the negative and the cathode is connected positive
i have personal used this to work with a 110 ac volt
this will work for one strand to run three strands make three of these
Parallax posesses power beyond belief.
Believe in it.
Post Edited (Lab Rat) : 11/12/2008 7:15:51 PM GMT