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Voltage Regulator question? — Parallax Forums

Voltage Regulator question?

DownsDowns Posts: 30
edited 2008-11-12 03:01 in BASIC Stamp

Dumb question maybe but I'm not an electronics expert. I have an Xbee wireless chip that the power input is to be from 2.8VDC - 3.4VDC max, the STAMP (Homework Board) is 5VDC (I think). Is a 3.4VDC Voltage Regulator the only thing I would need to be able to safely connect my Xbee chip to the STAMP?

Thank you much in advance for your help.


  • AmaralAmaral Posts: 176
    edited 2008-11-12 00:57
    Check the Data Sheet of the voltage regulator, it will probably show you in an example everything you may need, but basically is the voltage regulator and a capacitor.

    Your threat would be more apropriate in the SAND BOX Forum.

    Hope that helps

  • Carl HayesCarl Hayes Posts: 841
    edited 2008-11-12 01:03
    The voltage regulator is really all you need. If the input is well enough filtered to run a Stamp, the output will be well enough filtered already, to run the 3-volt equipment.

    I'm completely at a loss trying to figure out what threat Amaral refers to.

    · -- Carl, nn5i
  • DownsDowns Posts: 30
    edited 2008-11-12 01:05
    LOL! I think Amaral meant to say "Thread". Ok, thanks to both of you, I was thinking all I needed was a regulator but just wanted to make sure. Thanks again!
  • sylvie369sylvie369 Posts: 1,622
    edited 2008-11-12 02:43
    You might consider using some of these boards:

    I've got a bunch of them, and they work great with Stamps.
  • DownsDowns Posts: 30
    edited 2008-11-12 03:01
    Thanks sylvie369, Think I'm gonna order some!
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