ServoTank with BS2
· This is an autonomous tracked vehicle based on a Budget Robotics Servo Tank kit.· I replaced the original servos with Parallax models (item code 900-00008).· The microprocessor used is the Basic Stamp 2 (Homework board version).··A seperate six-volt supply for the servos is mounted below the upper deck of the chassis.· I use a PING))) sensor for ranging and it really is trouble free and fairly accurate.· One IR 40 kHz. emitter/detector pair is utilized for detecting thick carpet and non-reflective boundaries.· The carpet avoidance is necessary to prevent the treads from being thrown off on those surfaces during turns.· The rear wheels are not set in bushings so tightening the treads tends to toe-in the wheels.· Using·a single·IR·flood is not really suitable for drop-off detection.··It works·okay but at shallow angles it has driven off counters (@#$$*)!
· The PBASIC program is really simple:check·for edges, avoid if needed, read the PING))), avoid iminent collisions, turn shallow near objects,·or drive a few inches forward and then do it all again.· The program uses 17 bits of variable storage.· Because variables are not passed between routines I was able to reuse the same word variable throughout the program.···I've used the compass module,·IR communication and IR ranging in different combinations and this·is the program I use as a starting point.
···················································Happy Veterans Day
· YouTube Tank Video·
Post Edited (Mikerocontroller) : 1/3/2009 1:14:30 AM GMT
· The PBASIC program is really simple:check·for edges, avoid if needed, read the PING))), avoid iminent collisions, turn shallow near objects,·or drive a few inches forward and then do it all again.· The program uses 17 bits of variable storage.· Because variables are not passed between routines I was able to reuse the same word variable throughout the program.···I've used the compass module,·IR communication and IR ranging in different combinations and this·is the program I use as a starting point.
···················································Happy Veterans Day
· YouTube Tank Video·
Post Edited (Mikerocontroller) : 1/3/2009 1:14:30 AM GMT
· Also, they make a twin motor version:·
··but that seems to be out of stock.· P.S. How much does that bass weigh?
Check out this sight if you like tanks...·
I will post some soon, I have been straighten up my back room to be able to get it in their to work on it and some other projects..
It seems to be a Tamiya tread and wheel kit + a Tamiya twin motor gearbox kit... or two servos... plus a custom made chassis.
If the price is reasonable, it seems to be an extremely good buy.