Programming a BS-1 compatible stamp with newer Laptops
I bought a Counterfeit Stamp (BS-1 compatible) many years ago, and have recently found it in my garage.
I want to use it for a project, but the programming cable which came with the stamp has a 25-pin parallel port connector on it.
My laptop only has a 9-pin serial port, and USB connectors.
How do people program BS1's on today's laptops?
I've downloaded the 2.4 version of the Stamp editor, wrote the program, but can't program the stamp. I just need a cable.
I want to use it for a project, but the programming cable which came with the stamp has a 25-pin parallel port connector on it.
My laptop only has a 9-pin serial port, and USB connectors.
How do people program BS1's on today's laptops?
I've downloaded the 2.4 version of the Stamp editor, wrote the program, but can't program the stamp. I just need a cable.
Basic Stamp 1 Serial Adapter
- Rick
Or you can buy a cable with a 9-pin male at one end and a 25-pin female at the other end. Utterly common also.
· -- Carl, nn5i
Or you can buy a cable with a 9-pin male at one end and a 25-pin female at the other end. Utterly common also."
The original cable/connector was for a 25-pin parallel port, not a serial port.
Of course you could go on eBay and get a nice old laptop with a parallel port, probably pretty cheap. Or look in the classifieds in your local newspaper. Even in small towns they're crawling with people trying to get rid of perfectly good older PCs.
· -- Carl, nn5i
The original BS1 was always programmed via a parallel port.· When those started to become rare, Parallax came up with the BS1 Serial Programming Adapter which works with a standard serial port or a proper USB to Serial Adapter.· The newer BS1 (HomeWork Board and USB BS1) devices have this programming adapter built in.
Thanks for all the replies.
I've ordered one of these
The parallel port isn't supported by the Basic Stamp Editor for Windows; you would need to use a standard DB9 or USB to Serial with the appropriate BS1 Serial Adapter, which you have already purchased. The old editor that supported the BS1 on the parallel or printer port was running in a DOS environment; which changed after Win98. So to clarify, you would need a serial port, USB to Serial or an older version of the Basic Stamp Editor to utilize the parallel port for programming.
Feel free to contact me if you have further questions.
Joshua Donelson