Need Advice on whether I damaged my boards
I am trying to set up a BOE and HW Board to do communication with SERIN and SEROUT.· I was setting up a jumper to connect the two grounds but I put one end into the Vin hole on one of the boards.· (Thats the problem with getting old· --·all small things are just fuzzy). ·I noticed the problem when the battery got hot from the short circuit. I have never understood ground when you are not grounded to the earth.· Could I have damaged the boards?· So far I have run Boe Bot Text codes on both boards and they seem to be fine.· I just hate to spend a lot of time trying to the communication working if the boards are damaged.· Are there any other tests I can do to check it out if damage is a possibility?
Since it sounds like both BS2's are still programmable and still run programs, it sounds like you've dodged a bullet.