Spin guy, Freqin? Not a BS1/2 Command?
So I am used to using the library for the propeller, BS2_Functions.
I had a thought for an application that a prop is just over kill, so I thought I would program it on the BS1. After stumbling though the docs on the BS1 and BS2 that I could find. Is there not really a command for frequency in on a specific pin? I just always assumed there was being as the BS2_Functions library contains one.
Sorry if I am somehow staring it in the face and cant see it. If there is not a freqin command, is there a simple method to implement it in basic?
Thank you for your time.
I had a thought for an application that a prop is just over kill, so I thought I would program it on the BS1. After stumbling though the docs on the BS1 and BS2 that I could find. Is there not really a command for frequency in on a specific pin? I just always assumed there was being as the BS2_Functions library contains one.
Sorry if I am somehow staring it in the face and cant see it. If there is not a freqin command, is there a simple method to implement it in basic?
Thank you for your time.
page 347 maybe help you out
Take a look at the COUNT and PULSIN commands. One or the other should give you what you want.
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
Thanks all